I have only seen a text called Yoni Tantra, and would love to know more about what Guruji taught.
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I have also read Yoni Tantra, and i chant yoni stotram too when i need…As it is said that forms of devi is yoni swaroopa so i chant it... But i want to know much more about yoni and yoni puja…
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It's important to recognize that Yoni Puja is a deeply sacred and secret ritual within the Tantric Kaula tradition. Due to its profound spiritual significance and intricate practices, it is not appropriate to discuss the specifics of this ritual in an open forum.
The true essence of the ritual can only be grasped and practiced under the direct guidance of a qualified guru. This is not just a matter of preserving the sanctity of the ritual, but also ensuring that it is approached with the right understanding, respect, and readiness.
If you are genuinely interested in learning about Yoni Puja, I would recommend seeking a knowledgeable and experienced guru within the Tantric tradition. They can provide you with the appropriate teachings and guidance, ensuring that the practices are understood and performed in a manner that honors their spiritual depth and significance.
We have the book. Therefore some kind soul wasn't ashamed to share this sacred scripture with us.
In the Starter Regime course, Guruji provides a specific practice for Kundalini awakening. This practice involves dynamic meditation accompanied by the Śrī Guru (Amṛta Jananī) mantra.
Prayer. Because if everyone is afraid of these things it becomes likely you'll run into someone who has bad intentions. I've heard some unpleasant stories. Instead you can pray about this everyday and Devi herself will respond. I am not sure anyone at Devipuram is practicing kaulachara anymore. In the west are people who are comfortable with these practices. But it's best to pray a long time about this. Those who know these sadhanas are always at risk of being attacked by people afraid of sexuality.
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Mam, i want to know that how different diety of Vajrayana sect of Buddhism came into existence like green tara, red tara, pink tara likewise different shades of tara….Do they independently exist in this cosmos granting boon to worshipper or they were just created out of imagination for developing the concentration by Padmasambhava.…This sect was later developed after Mahayana sect, this sect introduce consuming of meat, fish, alcohol, grains and sexual intercourse with the female partner even with those girls who are below puberty....They consider this path as fastest path to Enlightenment….This sect was mainly developed to transcend the mind from Pashu Bhava i.e excessive lustful thoughts which is considered to be greatest hindrance in path of Enlightenment or Perfection of Mind….This sect was developed after incorporating ideology from Mahayana Buddhism, Bon Religion and Shakta tradition…..They have transformed the deity as per their culture and type of people living in tibetan, ladakh region.... Can u please explain me how different deity came into existence in different cult like Buddhism, in Chinese tradition , in japanese tradition, in greece culture, in european culture…..Do they independently exist in this cosmos??
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Mam, have u got the vision of goddess as mentioned in sri vidya, do you have acquired any siddhis which are mentioned in first and second chakra of sri vidya…..Or do you know any person closely who has acquired such siddhis or psychic powers??
Mam, if i read the forms of deity of Kali Kula, they are ferocious and erotic in nature....When i was reading about different nityas of Kali, i was surprised to know that such type of ferocious and seducing and erotic forms these goddess are having, who is intoxicated with wines and having garlands of snakes and poisonous animals and resides in cremation ground..... Are those description mentioned in kali kula tradition are true in nature or is it just a heightened state of imagination?? If i accept them as true entity then question still comes to mind that why India suffers a lot under the slavery of Mughals and British, Why Indian warriors were not capable enough to defeat or eradicate Mughal warriors and its dynasty by getting blessings from these ferocious deity?? It is said that Kaal Bhairava is considered to be "Kotwaal of Kashi" means protector of Kashi than how Aurangzeb got success in destroying temples in Kashi??
This topic is quite deep and multifaceted, so I'm offering just one point to ponder:
As you may know in Tantra it is believed that the Supreme Goddess, engages in five main actions: creation, sustenance, destruction, veiling, and unveiling. These actions are fundamental to the nature of the universe, which is characterized by constant change and evolution.
The ferocious and erotic forms of deities like Kali and the Nityas, often depicted in traditional texts and iconography, symbolize these divine actions, particularly destruction and transformation. Destruction, in this context, is not merely an end but a necessary phase for renewal and progress. It paves the way for change, allowing the cycle of creation and sustenance to continue. The imagery associated with these deities, while vivid and startling, is symbolic of the immense, raw power of the divine in facilitating this cosmic cycle.
Regarding the historical events you mentioned, such as the periods of Mughal and British rule in India, it's essential to understand that our world is a play of the Supreme Goddess, and the depth and complexity of this divine play are beyond human comprehension. Hardships, pain, and even periods of subjugation are part of this cosmic drama. They serve as conduits for change, challenging us to grow, evolve, and perhaps even to understand the deeper aspects of our existence.
From this perspective, it is not for us to judge these events using our limited understanding. What might seem as suffering or defeat in the human realm could be part of a larger, unfathomable divine plan. The role of the divine in historical events is a complex interplay of spiritual lessons, karmic cycles, and the inexorable march of time and change.
What about your experience related to psychic power or vision of goddess, can you share some of them..... What special was there in Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati that he was blessed with finer intellect and later he got the vision of goddess….Why he got selected by goddess to get such vision?? Had he shared about his past lives that what karmas he had done?? It is very unusual to know that Balatripursundari manifested before him without any prior worship ritual to a Atheist...
Mam, i have not got answer to question that how Sri Amritananda got the vision of goddess so easily... Ram Krishna Paramhans had to do lot sadhana and bhakti to get the darshan of Goddess Kali... He had to struggle a lot to get her Darshan.... Can u share about any experience that u might have with diety of sri vidya all throughout your worship ritual..
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It becomes very hard to accept that goddess as mentioned in Sri Vidya Tripura Sundari is responsible for creating and destroying this whole world.... Because if we read Shiv Puraan/Vishnu Puraan/ Ganesha Puraan like books than Shiva/Vishnu/Ganesha becomes everything he is the creator and he is the destroyer.... If you read Bibile/Kuran then God/Allaha becomes everything he is the creator and destroyer of this world.... What is the truth ??? Nobody knows who is the creator and destroyer of this world and why this creation was created?? Can u tell me why nature is playing this game of creation and destruction, why nature is playing the game of pleasure and pain with human, animals and other life forms….What was the purpose behind creating this whole universe?? What nature/God gets out of it?? If i look into past paganism was commonly practised in different parts of world in which more emphasis was given on worshipping female deity because it represent the prakriti part of this creation i.e downward pointed triangle(yoni)….But after the birth of Abrahamic philosophy they started rejecting paganism and start destroying idol worship rituals….The most powerful Prophet that happened in this philosophy was Mohammad who fought battle with their own people of Arabs to eradicate paganism i.e idol worship after getting enlightenment….He got in enlightenment that nothing is higher in this world than Allaha so he started spreading teachings of Allaha all across the world through the power of swords.... All these prophets of Abrahamic philosophy are tilted towards worshipping fatherly aspect(Purusha) of this creation and they don't like idol worship and most importantly they don't like praising, admiring and worshipping female deity…..My question is who has given birth to prophets of Abrahamic philosophy, how they came into existence?? Who was rulling the mind and energy of these prophets that made them to write such type of biased book called Kuran….Today's good no. of terrorist organization are going across the world because they have strong faith in their book, they are fully convinced that nothing is higher in this world than Allaha and it is will of Allaha that we are spreading his teaching and even if we die in course of spreading this teachings we will get Jannat.... Can u tell me which type of cosmic energy/plane of existence is rulling the mind and energy of Terrorist…..Can u tell me how cosmic intelligence is playing the game of different religion and faith on this planet and lot of crusade have happened in past to save their faith/religion…..India and Indian Temples have undergone through lot of destruction on account of that during medieval time period….Was it just a play of divine or was it just play of human faith???
of this crea
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Another question that i have that what was the reason behind writing such biased book called Manusmriti in which punishment for chanting name of god by Shudras was to cutt off their tongue ...why it has treated women and Sudra very badly lower than animal….Garuda Puraan also recommend Sati Pratha like stuff…..DharmSindhu says that female who dies along with their husbands on burning corpse goes to Swargaloka or "Patiloka"…..Later on widow female were forcefully made to burn on burning corpse along with their husband…..Can u think of screaming voice of female who were forcefully made to burn along with corpse.... Can u tell me where did the soul of such women have gone after death…..Will the soul of such women would have desire to come back on this planet…..Can u tell me how different lokas came into existence like Vaikuntha, Saket, Goloka, Shiv loka, devi loka…..Worshipper of Vishnu says my loka Vaikuntha is the highest loka, Worshipper of Krishna says my loka Goloka is the highest loka.... Follower of Advait Vedanta says Satya loka/Brahma loka is the highest loka, nothing is higher than that...What is the truth?? Worshipper of Allaha says that we will go to Jannat, Worshipper of God says we will go to heaven and we will never come back on this planet again….there is no concept of rebirth and Moksha in Abrahamic philosophy….Follower of Mahayana Buddhism says there is no god and there is no soul and there is no lokas in this world only we have is mind and energy and nothing more than that.... In order to attain perfection of mind or for attaining the state of Shunya, energy/mind gets rebirth and after attaining shunya state energy gets lost in this cosmos….Can u tell me which philosophy is speaking the truth??? Is there any way to know about ultimate truth that why this world was created or why this creation is playing this game of pleasure and pain and birth and death.... Why big bang explosion took place in nucleus?? From where this nucleus came into existence?? One thing is clear that both Spiritual Organisation and terrorist organization runs on same principle of faith.... Stronger the faith, stronger the impact on society or country at large…Please clarify me?? How different forms of deity in Indian tradition (Sri Kula/Kali Kula) came into existence?? Do they really exist as said by Sri Amritananda?? But why these deity were not accessible to non believer or to a atheist like Buddha, Mahavir, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Einstein /Newton/Max Planck /Stephen Hawking like personality…
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Now present government of U.P has built temple for Lord Rama, i don't understand what Lord Rama will do in this Kalyug.... He himself was not able to protect his own temple when Babur came and destroyed it, what he will do for his worshippers... Lord Rama according to Maharshi Valmiki was like a king who enjoys the company of multiple woman and was irresponsible towards works of palace and had committed big mistakes like killing Sambhuk named Sudhra for doing austerity and left Sita on the comment of washerman on his physical purity……How can he be accepted as some celestial divine incarnation committing big mistakes like ordinary human?? Why he is personified as incarnation of Vishnu and glorified too much by Tulsidas in Ramcharitmanas?? I would recommend you to read book Riddles in Hinduism by Dr B. R Ambedkar..
Dear Saurav,
Let me try to share some insights that might help you find peace of mind.
There is only one God who is the same for everyone. However, God shows himself/herself in many ways.
The One God reveals the One True Religion part by part, as humanity grows to a level to be able to accept it.
Each revelation of the One True Religion comes in an envelope with 3 parts; namely a cultural message, an ethical message and a spiritual message.
The cultural and ethical messages are only meant for a certain people at a specific time. Hence this message will become outdated and needs a new revelation eventually. The cultural and ethical messages are what constitute the differences between religions.
The spiritual message is universal; these are the parts all religions since the dawn of mankind has agreed on: truth, charity, forgiveness, respect for parents and prayer.
My friend, don't get lost in the cultural and ethical messages from the seemingly different religions. Most of these messages are not relevant anymore.
Focus instead on the universal spiritual message and follow it to the best of your ability in your daily life: prayer, truth, kindness, forgiveness and charity.
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I have tried to read all your words, but you have written too much to completely answer everything. Sri Amritanandanatha Saraswati did an incredible amount of sadhana in his life. Not many people, in fact, none that I know of, can say they performed Srividyopasana as thoroughly as he did. So it isn't correct to compare him to Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna would chant a mantra 108 times and get darshan immediately. You think that kind of siddhi comes in one life?
Concerning powers and magic and psychic nonsense… you will not get far in any practice if this is on your mind. In fact, you won't get anywhere unless your able to fall in love with God. Are you in love with God? Or are you trying to convince God to give you something you don't deserve? Do you honestly think your mechanic mantra repetitions and heartless pujas will convince God to give you anything except a firm belt across your ass? To understand our Guruji you need to understand love. His love for Mahadevi was greater than anyone you know. His love for God's children was equally strong. So please, approach our guruji and our community humbly. Srividya is a secret path. Maybe it isn't for you in this life? Ramanama is very strong mantra as well. Choose the God or Goddess you can give your heart and life to. Otherwise don't waste your time or ours.