Guruji and GuruAmma in front of Devipuram


I have tried to read all your words, but you have written too much to completely answer everything. Sri Amritanandanatha Saraswati did an incredible amount of sadhana in his life. Not many people, in fact, none that I know of, can say they performed Srividyopasana as thoroughly as he did. So it isn't correct to compare him to Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna would chant a mantra 108 times and get darshan immediately. You think that kind of siddhi comes in one life?

Concerning powers and magic and psychic nonsense… you will not get far in any practice if this is on your mind. In fact, you won't get anywhere unless your able to fall in love with God. Are you in love with God? Or are you trying to convince God to give you something you don't deserve? Do you honestly think your mechanic mantra repetitions and heartless pujas will convince God to give you anything except a firm belt across your ass? To understand our Guruji you need to understand love. His love for Mahadevi was greater than anyone you know. His love for God's children was equally strong. So please, approach our guruji and our community humbly. Srividya is a secret path. Maybe it isn't for you in this life? Ramanama is very strong mantra as well. Choose the God or Goddess you can give your heart and life to. Otherwise don't waste your time or ours.

2 months later

I would have asked my questions to Sri Amritananda Saraswati but it is unfortunate that Sri Amritananda passed away in 2015…But is there any way to ask questions to his daughters directly or privately over whatsup or telegram…..I want to ask that how Sadhguru of Isha Foundation has created Linga Bhairavi through power of Swadisthan Chakra….Is this true ? Is it possible for a human to create a deity on this planet? Was those enormous amount of deities of indian culture or other asian and western culture was created by human imagination and intelligence?? But how emotional intelligence is imparted on those created deities which can perceive human emotions like anger, hatred, love, jealousy, ego and lust…How these created deities are going to remove the suffering of the worshippers or How Linga Bhairavi(a created deity ) is going to fulfill the wishes of worshipper like material prosperity, health and well being??

13 days later

Is it the same source which has given birth to enormous amount of microorganisms, plants, animals, humans, spiritual masters, prophets, philosophers, astral entity, divine entity, deities and lokas(planes of existence) within different culture, cult, religion and tradition?

Do all spiritual masters, prophets, philosophers of different cult and religion merges into same source after death? Or do they goes to different planes of existence as mentioned in their particular religious textbook?

Did Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati has given any lecture or written any books on spiritual masters, prophets and famous philosophers, astral entity, divine entity, deities and planes of existence present in different religion and cult across the globe from ancient times? If anybody knows please mention

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