Guruji and GuruAmma in front of Devipuram


The Bala dyana sloka (aruna kirana jwala…) describes her form a bit. I am not sure where it is from. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in.

If you understand Tamil, the Bala Kavacham written by Elilmani Aiya of the Nemili Bala Peetham also describes her attributes. You can find a translation of it here.


Below Bālā Dhyana comes from Devirahasya, curtesy of Mike Magee:

Extending from the base of the spine to the top of the head, like a lotus stem, a brilliant, white, slender thread, one should meditate on Devī, Giver of Subjugation, Great Good Fortune and Eloquence; as surrounded by a swarm of black bees; with braided hair garlanded with flowers; with a face marked with a jewel as her forehead mark; her mouth sweetly smiling, wearing a beautiful diadem; her head adorned with pearls and diamonds; with a slender crescent Moon as crest gem; her three bright eyes effulgent as a swarm of sapphire bees; with jewelled coiled earrings, the chief of which is as bright as the Sun: ornamented with shining pearls and gems of dazzling appearance; around her throat a necklace like a line of bees, beautiful and bedazzling, surpassing nectar in its beauty; adorned with beautiful and resplendent garments like the white water of the Ganga in flood; beautiful, sinuous graceful limbs, scented and sweet like creeping vines; covered in gold and by other precious metals, and by glistening jewels, glittering and bright; her beautiful feet and toes like red lotuses with their petals; as bright as the circle of the starry realm (Nakṣatras); adorned with pearl-like blossoms; with her lower left hand holding a book and her upper right hand dispelling the fears of sādhakas; in her two right hands holding a rosary and bestowing boons; She herself being of the dazzling whiteness of snow, milk or the Moon; gracious and charming.


For more detail on Bālā, I would recommend you read Chapter 26 of Lalitopakhyana "Bhaṇḍāsura’s sons slain"

Here's a small excerpt:

73-77a. She was the daughter of Lalitā Devi. She always stayed near the goddess. She was worthy of being worshipped by all Śaktis. She was an adept in martial feats and exploits. Her form and features were like those of Lalitā. She was always like a nine year old girl yet she was a great mine of all lores. Her body was like the rising sun. Her creeper-like slender body was in complexion. She was perpetually present near the foot-rest of the great queen. She was at it were the vital breath of the goddess moving externally. She was her fourth eye. She became furious and thought thus: “I shall immediately kill those sons of Bhaṇḍa who have come here”. After making up her mind thus, Bālāmbā submitted to the great queen.

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    Thank you very much for sharing these. This forum is a great help to all upasakas 🙏🏽


    """Sampatkarī is a warrior goddess who heads Lalita's calvary (part of army fighting on horseback)

    Aśvārūḍha is a warrior goddess who heads Lalita's elephant corps (part of the army fighting on elephants)"""

    Isnt Sampatkari, the godess heading elephants? and Asvarudha the horses?

      2 years later

      Namaskaar Guruma🙏🙏🙏I seek clarification on the Devi bala as anga devata of Lalitha. Should be chant bala navakshari or bala shadakshari as anga devata of panchadasi??




        Sri Matre Namaḥ

        Paraśurama Kalpa Sūtra gives a 9-syllable mantra for Bālā. But you should chant the mantra that was given to you by your Guru. Usually, it's a 6-syllable one.

        2 months later

        Do we chant anga , upanga, pratyanga devata mantras before moola mantra for Raja Shyama and maha varahi. I see in PKS and Gurujis Rashmimala audio that he chanted in the beginging

        Please advice. I greatly appreciate

        Nagender Reddy

          6 days later


          Śrī Matre Namaḥ

          PKS doesn't specifically mention that requirement, it does however mention that the devotee who's initiated into the mantras of Rāja Śyāmalā, Mahā Vārāhī, and Lalitā should recite the respective vighnahara mantras before proceeding to do japa.

          Śri Matre namah

          Thanks for clearing my doubt. My sincere appreciation and gratitude for the knowledge shared with us. I”ll do vignaharta mantras as prescribed before the moola mantras

          Nagender Reddy

            9 days later


            Sri Matreh Namah 🙏🏼Today I was wondering why Lalitā Devī has a bindu made of kastouri and not a proper third eye.

            Here is the answer, Bālā is Her third eye. I’m amaze how I get responses to almost all the questions.

            This path is so magical in so many ways I’m very very grateful ! Harih Om

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