Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they like about kaula tantra and its many ācāras, but if one keeps learning and re-learning then one will possess different types of knowledge in different phases of ones learning trajectory. I can't help myself but to add that the "LHP" is a misrepresentation and fantasy of kaulism conjured from minds of foreigners who decided they knew the tantric traditions better than anyone else. To be sure, there is no such thing as "the LHP" before 1877.
The video is interesting, although hard to follow. It is clearly a very rough (and at times quite incorrect) outline presentation of what scholars have been painstakingly researching and presenting for the past 45+ years, but with no credit to them. Actually, with all the information they have presented they have failed to cite a single source, tantra, āgama, śāstra, or scholar whom they obvious acquired their information from. Rather, they give the credit to Prabhuji, which is at best a nice devotional attitude to their guru and at worst intellectual dishonesty and plagiarism.
If one were to read even 100 pages of contemporary research on tantra and kaulism a lot of what little I could see from the video would make more sense. Needless to say, I am unfamiliar with the Prabhuji Institute, but there are, of course, as many definitions of tantra and kaula as there are practitioners, however, not all are as equally informed, knowledgeable, or correct.
दत्तात्रेय उवाच:
ज्ञानस्य साधनं मुख्यं देवतानुग्रहः परः
यः सर्वभावतः स्वात्मदेवतामुपसङ्गतः २१.७
तस्य ज्ञानं सुसुलभं भवतीति विनिश्चयः
एतत् सर्वोत्तमं राम प्रोक्तं ज्ञानस्य साधनम् २१.८
Dattātreya spoke:
The principal method to attain knowledge is the supreme grace of the deity. Those who worship the deity with their whole heart and as their own Self will easily attain knowledge. It has been said that this method of obtaining knowledge is the absolute best. —Tripurārahasyam 21.7-8