Sri Matre Namaha
I just read in Gurujis second book "Gifts from the goddess" in the chapter about Kali the following:
"There is another meaning to Dakshina. After PArvati extracts the Svatantra Tantra, the Sundari upâsnâ from Shiva, Shiva asks Her to give his GuruDakshina." - you can also read this article online (
So my question is, does anyone know anything about this text called "Svatantra Tantra"? Which apparently contains knowledge about Sundari upasana. Searching online I did not find anything about "Svatantra Tantra". Only "Svacchanda Tantra", a text i already knew, but to my knowledge contains Kashmiri Shaiva Tantra techniques and not Sundari Upasana. So although Svatantra and Svacchanda are a bit synonymous words, I think the "Svacchanda Tantra" is a different text and not the one Gurujis meant with "Svatantra Tantra".
This question is really important to me, because the word and the concept of "Svatantra" resonate strongly with me since I discovered it a few years ago and I even named my business "Svatantra".
I always thought, that I have some destiny with the Svacchanda Tantra being that Svacchanda is kind of synonymous with Svatantra, but now i think my destiny maybe lies with this Svatantra Tantra which Guruji mentioned.
If anyone can enlighten me regarding the Svatantra- and Svacchanda Tantra i would be very grateful 🙏.
Jai Maa!