Śrī Matre Namaḥ,
Aṅga Devatās are the devatās that make the main aṅgas or limbs/organs of a deity.
Aṅga comprises the six main parts of the body - head, chest (breasts), hands, sides/flanks, hips/waist and feet.
Consequently, Upāṅgas are secondary limbs, they are eyes, eyebrows, eyeballs, nose, jaws, teeth, chin and face. Also, ankles, toes and fingers are considered as Upāṅgas.
Pratyaṅgas are tertiary limbs. They are shoulder blades, arms, back, thighs, calves, shanks, wrists, elbows and knees.
Śrī Gurubhyo Namaḥ
Source: https://www.indiadivine.org/content/topic/1331354-srividya-tantra-anga-upanga-pratyanga-devata/