In Guruj’s recitation we find 11 Siddhis, the third being Garimā (Heaviness).
(1) aṇimā siddhe, (2) laghimā siddhe, (3) garimā siddhe, (4) mahimā siddhe, (5) īśitva siddhe, (6) vaśitva siddhe, (7) prākāmya siddhe, (8) bhukti siddhe, (9) icchā siddhe, (10) prāpti siddhe, (11) sarvakāma siddhe
This is an acknowledgement that Garimā Siddhi is worshipped some systems; but in most She is not, and She is not one of the Siddhis represented at Devipuram's Meru Temple. In our sampradaya, even though she's acknowledged in the Khaḍgamālā stotra, She't not worshipped in the Śrī Cakra Pūjā.
The following explanation with regards to the Garimā siddhi is given by Kamakotimandali
…Now, the siddhis are ten namely: anima, laghima, mahima, ishitva, vashitva, praakaamya, bhukti, icchaa, prapti and sarvakāmasiddhi. (Some include garima siddhi also, but none of the Classic Tantras explain as to how this extra Siddhi can be accommodated in Trailokyamohana Chakra. Chatuhsshati Shastra clearly objects the use of Garimā Siddhi. Some versions that I have seen on the net have included Garima siddhi in the Khadgamala mantra, which I think is a mistake. Rudra Yamala’s mala mantroddhāra chapter, Vamakeshwara tantra, Tripurarnava Tantra, Prapancha sāra sāra saṃgraha, all these granthas have omitted Garima Siddhi. Though a scholar tried to argue about its correctness saying some sampradayas do include Garimā, he was unable to justify his stand.
Here’s some more information from Kamakotimandali’s Khaḍgamālā Q&A
[Query] Should Garimā siddhi be used in Khadgamala?
The structure of Śrī Cakra varies in the three Prime Sampradayas of Śrī Vidyā. The popular śloka which describes the Śrī Cakra is as follows:
bindutrikoṇa vasukoṇa daśārayugma
manvaśranāgadalasaṃyuta ṣoḍaśāram
vṛttatrayaṃ ca bhūmīsadanatrayaṃ ca
śrīcakrametaduditaṃ paradevatāyāḥ
(Rudrayamala - 25, 3) and (Siddheshwarimata - 13,5)
This describes vṛttatraya (three girdles or circles) after the bhūpūra trailokyamohana chakra. As per Samhāra Krama, this will thus become the dvitīyāvaraṇa of the cakrarāja. In Hayagriva Sampradaya, these three circles will be absent in the Śrī Cakra. In the Anandabhairava Sampradaya Cakra, these lines are present in the Srichakra, but there is no archana performed for this āvaraṇa.
However, in the Dakshinamurti Sampradaya, these three lines are present in the Śrī Cakra and are also worshipped as one of the āvaraṇas.
In the outermost line, which is described as white in color, the mātṛka śaktis or yoginis of the letters kaṃ to kṣaṃ (kalarātri and others) are worshipped.
In the second circle, which is described as red in color, following an anti-clockwise pattern, the śaktis of the swaras i.e. aṃ to aḥ (amṛtā etc.) are worshipped.
In the third and the innermost circle, described as having kṛṣṇa vaṇa, the nityā goddesses are worshipped.
The chakreshwari of this āvaraṇa is tripureśinī, mudrā is mahāyoni and the siddhi is garimā. So, this is where the garimā siddhi fits in. Hence, people who are following the khadgamāla of the sampradayas other than Dakshinamurti, should not include garimā siddhi in the first āvaraṇa. Also, this āvaraṇa, which is found only in Dakshiamurti Sampradaya and which houses garimā siddhi is called trivarga sādhaka cakra.