Guruji and GuruAmma in front of Devipuram

The Meaning of the Guru Pādukā Mantra by Guruji:

1. Aiṁ Hrīṁ Śrīṁ

  • Aiṁ is the channel for knowledge. So you are invoking the channel for knowledge for you to understand. For what purpose?

  • Hrīṁ, the nature of the limitation process, the individual life-giver.

  • To know the Śrīṁ, to receive the grace of God, so that you can merge back with God from which you came. You are experiencing separateness and limitedness and the pain of separateness and limitations. You want to experience the joy of union. That is the Śrīṁ. You want to gain knowledge to overcome this limitation process and get reabsorbed into the cosmic unity.

So Aiṁ Hrīṁ Śrīṁ is a prayer, which precedes every mantra in the Śrī Cakra Pūjā, which means, Oh Goddess, please give me the knowledge to understand my limitations to overcome them and to experience my truth as You, the Goddess.

2. Aiṁ Klīṁ Sauḥ

Knowledge and the grace of God manifest itself through the process of creation, the process of nourishment and action. In manifesting anything, first, it is an idea in our thoughts. We dwell on it, enhance our knowledge, nourish the knowledge, couple it to material resources, act on it, to make the idea come alive. Then we let go of it. Aiṁ = knowledge, Klīṁ = nourishing and protecting the idea, and Sauḥ = action, fulfillment, and detachment.

3. Haṁsaḥ

Ha - is the sound of the outgoing breath. Saḥ - is the sound of the incoming breath. Haṁsaḥ or So’ham are the mantras of life itself, the breath itself. Every living being breathes and this breathing process is called Haṁsaḥ or So’ham. When you know this it becomes a mantra. It is called Ajapa Gāyatrī. It is one of the forms of the Gāyatrī.

When you concentrate and focus your awareness on the breath Haṁsaḥ then a certain knowledge dawns on you. And it is the knowledge that separates the milk from the water. The legendary bird the Haṁsaḥ is supposed to have the power of separating the milk from the water. That means separating the truth from fiction. The fiction is that I am different from the world. The truth is that I am the world. When you realize that you are the world and that any small thing happening anywhere does not and need not upset you, then this knowledge is what is given by the breath.

The Guru Mantra is telling you that you must focus on your breath, Haṁsaḥ to realize your truth as God.

4. The knowledge that you gain is Śivaḥ So’ham. I am Śiva, the pure unbounded awareness, which is my true nature.

5. Hskhphrēṁ

  • Ha is the symbol of Śiva. The first breath that a person takes when born is the incoming breath. The last breath is the outgoing breath, which never returns. The first breath is the breath of the mother, and the last breath is the breath of the father. You are merging with the cosmos with the last breath. That is why we say that a person expires when he dies. You are not coming back again into this same body. Ha is the symbol of death, of annihilation, of Śiva. Ha is called visarga in Sanskrit. It means the release of seed, to create life. Ha...aa..aa.. aa is also the symbol of the sound we make during an orgasm when our life juice is going out of ourselves. Then we experience something like a death, a loss of eros, which is lust for life. Our connection to the heaviness of earth reduces, we become light.

  • Sa is the symbol of Śakti.

  • Kha is the symbol of space.

  • Phrēṁ is the movement in space. As Śiva and Śakti, as awareness and its modifications, we move in space. When the realization that I am Śiva dawns on me I forget my body consciousness. I rise above my body consciousness and move freely in space as the union of awareness and its modifications, as Śiva and Śakti. I experience a lightness, a levitating experience which is like flying in space. That in fact is the death experience. Death is an orgasm.

6. To understand the next 2 phrases, Hasakṣamalavarayūṁ hsauṁ   ..... Sahakṣamalavarayīṁ shauḥ  - we need to know a little bit about what is called the Mātṛka Nyāsa. Mātṛkas - mean the garland of letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. Nyāsa - means placement in the body. In the Mātṛka Nyāsa:

  • The 16 vowels are placed around the neck,

  • The 12 consonants Ka to Ṭha around the chest,

  • 10 Ḍa to Pha around waist,

  • 6 Ba to La around the genitals,

  • 4 Va to Sa near the sacrum (cervix),

  • Ha, Kṣa in the right and left eyes respectively.

All the 50 letters have specific locations in the body. They may be called short addresses to refer to body parts.

The Sanskrit alphabets are located in different petals on the lotuses which are linked to the stem of your spinal cord. Next, you have to understand where Ha is located, where Sa is located, where Kṣa is located, where La is located, Va, Ra, and U are located. When you locate them all, you will discover a path traced by these seed letters.

Hasakṣamalavarayūṁ and Sahakṣamalavarayīṁ are the two paths of light traced by locating where the letters are in your body. The Guru mantra teaches you how to move awareness in specific parts of your body to move Kuṇḍalinī in the Ida and Piṅgala Nādis. This is the Mantra Yoga path to Kuṇḍalinī.

Hsauṁ and Shauḥ, which you see here mean: Hsauṁ is formed by H and Sa and Auṁ. Shauḥ is formed by S and Ha and Auḥ. When Ha is the first letter, it means Śiva nature dominates, the male is in Yoga withholding the seed, not ejaculating it. Śakti, however, needs to draw the seed out of male Śiva to give birth to a new life. That is Her purpose. She is the creatrix, the procreative power located in the vulva. She has to extract the seed and place it in Her womb. When Śakti (Sa) is dominant, the first letter, She does extract the seed, and so Auṁ becomes Auḥ. Ha = visarga = creation. The creativity is the Auṁ. Auṁ is holding the seed within. It is vibrating within as vitality, but it is not being let out. When Śiva in Yogic power is dominant the seed is contained within oneself. When Śakti is dominant, She is asserting Her power to manifest, She extracts the seed orgasmically out of Him and places it in Her womb and proceeds with the creation. So Hsauṁ and Shauḥ are the male and female orgasms, holding the seed and ejaculating the seed. What we discussed so far is the invariant parts of the mantra.

7. Svarūpa Nirūpaṇa Hetave - Svarūpa - your true nature, nirūpaṇa - to prove, hetave - the cause. The cause for proving to yourself your true nature.

8.  Svagurave - to your own Guru who has initiated you, who is all-important. You don't have to worry about anyone or anything else.

9.  Śrī Annapūrṇāmbā Sahita  - is the Śakti, the power behind the Guru

10. Śrī Amṛtānanda Nātha - Mṛtyu means death. "A" is negation. Negation of death is Amṛta. Therefore, amṛta means nectar. Your Self is not born. How can it die? The amṛta, nectar is aja (unborn). Ānanda - means bliss, which is undying, unchanging. The bliss of nectar is Amṛtānanda. Every one of these Gurus according to the Datta Saṁpradāya (lineage) are known as Nāthas. There are nine Nāthas. We follow that saṁpradāya. Nātha - literally means husband/wife, married to you, with whom you have to be intimate for your progress. More importantly, the Guru is committed to taking care of you (just like a husband/wife) as a soul mate.

The real Guru, Goddess/God speaks through the Guru, who can be either female or male. Don't confuse the Guru with a physical form. The Guru of everyone is one and the same. And that is God/Goddess.

Guru appears to different people in different forms, but the form is only a symbol. You have to look behind the symbol to the truth and that truth is called Jagannātha. Jagat - means the world, Nātha - means husband/wife, the husband/wife of the manifested world. The Guru is referred to as the husband/wife here so that you can open up your body, mind, and soul without any inhibitions for deepest truths can be learned without inhibitions.

10. Śrī Guru -  is the Guru who is the source of all powers, Śrī who is the wealth of the Lord is the Guru. In the Bhāvanā Upaniṣad, it says, "The Guru confers the wealth of the Lord on you”.

11. Śrī Pādukām - the beneficial, auspicious lotus feet of the Guru, which he has placed on the top of your head. You are not to think of the form of the Guru like this, but as Ardhanārīśvara which is half Śiva, male, and half female, Śakti. In that form, the right half is the male part and the left part is the female part. They are eternally united at all the chakra centers at the mūlādhāra and all the way up. And out of their union, their eternal union flows the bliss as the Gaṅgā flows from the head of Śiva. It overflows and falls down to Śiva's feet where it becomes nectar flowing onto the top of your head. So it is that Guru who you must see.

12. Pūjayāmi - I worship that Guru.

13. Tarpayāmi - That which gives you satisfaction. What makes you say, "Yes, I have had enough, I don't need any more"? Having reached that state is called tarpaṇam. It means you must be able to make the Guru feel totally satisfied, that you have rendered all that you are possible or capable of doing. You have given him the supreme happiness of whatever he desires, that is tarpaṇam. So I worship him (the Guru can be male or female), I adore the feet, I make the Lord and His power totally satisfied.

What is the desire of the God or the Goddess? They are both self-fulfilled. What desires could they have? Although you are saying I am satisfying the Guru, what it really means is that you are satisfying yourself. It is you who are not having a fulfilled state. You are identifying with the Guru. It is you who are trying to reach the state of the Guru, the Lord, and his infinite Power. You are trying to fulfill yourself.

So pūjayāmi means you are worshipping the Guru as your own manifestation outside and satisfying her/him means satisfying yourself.

The meaning of the guru mantra tells you the purpose for which you are doing the pūjā, and what it is you want to understand, and what is the result gained by that (haṁsaḥ śivaḥ so’ham) and what the result is going to do for you hskhphrēṁ. And the path through the different chakras, which you must take the Kuṇḍalinī and your awareness. Then you adore the feet of the Guru who has given you initiation.

Source: "Gifts from the Goddess"

15 days later

Commentary on the Guru Paduka mantra by Guruji in the Śrī Vidyā Course Lecture

Transcription (w. grammatical edits)

This is not one mantra but many mantras. As you can see.

Aiṁ Hrīṁ Śrīṁ. It is a mantra of Lalitā. It means:

  • Aiṁ is Saraswatī bīja - “I'm seeing knowledge”.

  • Hrīṁ is a bija of life about creation, how life is created – I want to have knowledge of how life is created. And

  • Śrīṁ – how life is going to become all one.

Aiṁ Hrīṁ Śrīṁ is a mantra of Śrī Vidyā.

Aiṁ Klīṃ Sauḥ. Is a mantra of Raja Śyāmālā, the power of attraction of everything into you, all the good into you. Aiṁ, Klīṃ and Sauḥ are sṛṣṭi [creation], sthiti [sustenance] and laya [dissolution].

Hamsaḥ, the breath. Outgoing breath is called Ha. Ingoing breath is called Sa. Hamsaḥ - outgoing and ingoing breath. Between them, life is oscillating – going out of you and getting into you. And with every breath, life is going in and out. The prāṇa, prāṇa vāyu, the oxygen is coming through the air and getting into your body and getting out of your body. Hamsaḥ.

And is Śivaḥ. Śivaḥ means kalyāṇa [that which] is for your good. And as long as the breath is going in and out, it's good for you. Your life is preserved.

And it is So'ham. The same Hamsaḥ, is also said as So'ham. So'ham is a full expansion of OṀ.

  • We add "S" to "O", "Ha" to "" [thus arriving at] So'ham. Or,

  • If we remove “S” from “So”, it becomes “O” and if you remove “Ha” from “”, it becomes OṀ.

So the equality between these things. But it is the full expression of the breath going in and out. Saḥ also means “All the I see”. Aham means “I am”. “I am all the I see”, – that’s the meaning of the word So'ham.

Hamsaḥ Sivah So'ham.

Hasakhaprem. We are used to seeing the world from being inside our body and looking at it through the apertures that we call jñānendriyas, the sensory organs. You see, you hear, you taste, you smell, all these things [represent] the normal way we function. But we want to look at the world in a new way. We are used to seeing the world as bahirmukha - means looking outwards. But we want to see the world in a reverse way - antarmukha. Antarmukha samārādhyā, bahirmukha sudurlabhā. She's easily appreciated, if you can develop an antarmukha, looking inwards. Which means, I should become the world that I see and see myself through that.

What would that do to you? It dissolves everything. Number one, it removes the focus from yourself and shifts it to the world. You think of the world as the circle around you and you as the focus. [But here] you shift the center from the center to the ring. It means you are not going to worry about yourself, you are going to worry about all. Real spirituality consists in moving the focus away from yourself to others. It means your attention is more on the comforts and the quality of life of others, more than your own. When you become the world, you become an insignificant part of the whole. It matters little, whether you exist, whether you are rich, whether you are poor, whether you are able to accomplish your visions or not, none of these things are important, when you look at the whole.

So as you develop this vision of looking at yourself from outside to inside, what happens is that you are becoming not important, you are removing your self-importance, the concept of who I am, that disappears, your ego gets destroyed and that is the best way to reach Devi. That's why it's called khecari mudra. Khe means - the space, ākāśa. Cari means – it moves. Your mind moves in the ākāśa, it doesn't move inside your body.

In the morning you might have done what is called pavanmuktasanaPavan can be understood to be a moving air or you can understand it as moving prāṇa. So mukta means free, freeing the movement of life forces within your body. That is the meaning of pavanmukta. Asana means you are focusing your mind on a particular region, with the exclusion of everything else. It's called dhāraṇā, which means holding on to your focus on something and only that thing is alive in your mind and everything else goes. When you are doing like this, this hand is not there, your body is not there, only that part is there. And you are activating the energies there, you are being aware of that only. That's part of dhāraṇā. That's why you can achieve a lot of results with little effort, yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam, the ability to achieve a lot of results with little effort is called yoga. And dhāraṇā aspect of yoga is represented by [?kanyakāncana?], as pavanmuktasana may be number one or number two I don't know, it's a different way of doing yoga.

Then hasakṣamalavarayūm hsauṃ, sahakṣamalavarayīm shauḥ - the ability to move from Ājñā chakra to Sahasrāra chakra. There are different steps involved. What are those steps that we are talking about? Ājñā chakra represents time, and Bindu [i.e. mahābindu] chakra represents no time. From time to no-time you are moving. So what is being done, is you take one second as a unit of time and divide it by two, then you divide by another factor of two, another factor of two. So 1, 1/2, 1/22, 1/23, 1/24, then after that you reach the bindu. Bindu means that you already reached 1/1,000 of a second. They say you put 1,000 leaves of lotuses on the top, and on the top of that, you take a pin and push it through in one second, then the time that the pinhead spends with each of these leaves, it’s called one lava, that is a unit of time. And in that time, all this time is included. Time dilation is what is shown by hasakṣamalavarayūm going up and sahakṣamalavarayīm going down. One is called Anandabhairavi, seeking the blessings of Śiva by Śakti, and Śiva's grace flowing down from the skies into Śakti is called Anandabhairavi-Anandabhairava mantra.

Hsauṃ and Shauḥ represent what happens when Śiva is dominant or Śakti is dominant. If Śakti is dominant, she expresses the seed of Śiva, Shauḥ. If Sa is a beginning then at the end in , is visarga. Visarga means sṛṣṭi. So if Śakti is dominant she wants to express the seed out of Śiva and create Space, Time and Matter. And if Śiva is dominant - he’s a yogi, he wants to eliminate the creation, he is the annihilator. So Śiva aspect and Śakti aspect. Which one is dominant, depending on that, the Universe is going to be created or destroyed as being described by …(the mantra). So this is the meaning of the Guru mantra.

It's not [just] one mantra.  Aiṁ Hrīṁ Śrīṁ is one mantra. Aiṁ Klīṁ Sauḥ is one. Hasakṣamalavarayūm is one. Hsauṃ is one. Sahakṣamalavarayīm is one. Shauḥ is another. And you can add some more.

Oṁ prajñānam brahma, Oṁ ayam ātmā brahma, Oṁ tatvamasi,
Oṁ aham brahmāsmi.
They are Mahāvākyas. You can add also other things. Like Śrī Pūrti Vidyā, the Śrī Vidyā as Lopamudra has done upasāna - ha sa ka la ha sa ka ha la sa ka la hrīṁ, some people add. And Śrī Pūrti Vidyā ka e ī la, ha sa ka ha la sa ka la hrīṁ. So many different things that are added on. They are called: Mahāpādukā, Śrī Vidyā Mahā Pādukā, Śrī Vidyā Mahā Mahā Guru Pādukā. And you can add however way Guru appears, svatmānanda… svagurave. And then different orders, instead of going into all these orders - all the orders you can collapse and all the Gurus merged into one single Guru with whom you can talk, you can walk and you can sing, you can dance and you can organize a video conference. So that is the Guru in whom all the others are collapsed and you are just worried about one part and that is the Guru Pādukā Mantra. And the Guru is the name of the tollgate, and the name of the tollgate keepers are Annapūrṇā and Amṛitānanda.

Śrī Guru Śrī Pādukām Pūjayāmi. Why do we worship the pādukās? Why not worship the Guru? What is wrong with worshipping the Guru? The Guru does not know where to go, the pādukās know where the Guru has been led by Guruji, led by Devi. So pādukās know where the Guru has gone, where the Guru has been taken, led and so this mantra lives after the Guru goes. And the pādukā is called pādukā, so it knows where the Guru has gone and you wear those pādukās and you know where to go.

So Rāma could only do certain things when he was alive. Rāma nāma is doing so many things now. So Rāma nāma is greater than Rāma, the same way the Guru Pādukā, is greater than the Guru. The Guru pādukā is learned from the Guru, who has learned from his Guru, who has learned from his Guru, who's ultimately Śiva. Śiva and Śakti. So that is the line, Parampara. Parampara is what you indicate by Guru Pādukā, that's why you say guru pādukām pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ.

And we are saying this by using this mṛgi mudrā, this an indication that if you join these three and put those three fingers also it becomes like a six-petalled lotus, which is symbolized by the svādhiṣṭhāna chakra the reproducing center, the pleasure of union of Śiva and Śakti svādhiṣṭhāna chakra. These four fingers joined like this, becomes a rectangle, so you are moving the mūlādhāra chakra and the svādhiṣṭhāna chakra to the top of the head. Where the Śiva-Śakti sāmagāma, the union of Śiva and Śakti is supposed to take place in the mind beyond space and time and that is perpetual. So you are trying to move that energy from the bottom to that place. When you are doing that, and then if you are desireless, in that process is the seeing desire.

One more characteristic of the chakras I’ll mention at this point of time. Fear in the first chakra, where I will exist or not, my insecurities – whether I will have children or not, whether they are going to grow and whether they are going to get a job or not. So all these insecurities, anxieties, tensions, that are associated with any smallness, they are all bundled up in mūlādhāra. To unmingle them you have got to focus your attention on that and to unmingle them you have to activate the chakra.

Like prāṇa, prāṇāyāma, you take in, hold, release. The same way you close, hold, open; close, hold, open. Pūraka, kumbhaka, recaka. So if you keep doing this aśvinī mudrā, at the mūlādhāra chakra, it activates the mūlādhāra chakra, it takes your attention, forces your attention there, not only physically, not only mentally, but actually transforming it into a creative energy, Kriyātmaka Śakti. And Kriyātmaka Śakti activates the Kuṇḍalinī Śakti, that way this ashvini mudra is supposed to be important for Gaṇapati, to activate the Gaṇapati. If you don't activate Gaṇapati, then there is very little chance that the energy will move up. First you have to raise the level of the energy, and then start moving that energy. If you got x3, then you want x3 to manifest, be something, X has to be something. To generate some value for X, then you can transform it into higher levels. If you make X = 0, I do not want to have desire, I do not want to… The desire for mokṣa must be there, without that you will not…[be able to move the energy upwards]. You have to specify a goal, and it is in the specification of the goal is the way this works.

Pūjayāmi tarpayāmi namaḥ. I worship and I please him. Tarpaṇam means pleasing.

Source: Guruji's Śrī Vidyā Course Lecture

13 days later

Interesting interaction with Guruji.

Many years ago Guruji was explaining to me the placement of the bijas in the
“Ha-sa-ksha-ma-la-va-ra-um ….. Sa-ha-ksha-ma-la-va-ra-im” as in the Guru Paduka mantra on the different parts of the body. The placements of the bijas are highlighted in green in the image above.

After teaching me of the placements he shared his personal experience elaborating the effect of this process.
He said when he concentrated on the specific points in his body while intoning these padukas he would experience a fire light up in his body, where typically the body becomes an active homa!

    4 years later


    Sir could you please share the mapping of the full Guru mantra and also similar mapping of Mahaganapati mantra?

      5 days later


      To my knowledge, Guruji did not provide commentary on the full Guru Mantra mapping. As for the Mahāgaṇapati Mantra, the focus is usually on the Mūlādhāra Chakra.

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