Since Sri Vidya is an all out assault upon ignorance, one should enjoy the six flavor Ayurvedic ideology and learn how to balance their prakriti with some easy to use methods. Churnas. Rasayanas. Six flavor tea. And so on. Some of these methods like building your own personal tea for better tonality and health can increase your practice years through staving off many physical illnesses to come. Through preventing Ama buildup and more. If you have specific areas of physical weakness they can be addressed through building a tonic tea. Or even allay tension and clear the mind. These are not small things. Each methodology, all together, equals the entire yogic discipline of the sadhaka.
Certainly also an Ayurvedic dinacharya, with cured oil self massage (with correct oil for prakriti), and asanas, pranayama, and so on would make the body more supple and stabilize prakriti which brings contentment to the mind as well.
As deviupasaka says, Amrita didn't discriminate against giving full teachings to anyone. He did not only teach Brahmins, Nor just men, nor even disregard Dalits, and Mlecchas, such as myself. He built Devipuram with the local village women. And taught them to be pujaris and priestesses. He talked to people from around the world through the internet and phone, and moreover left legacy teachings for all, without creating a leveled system to make it like passing through a needle's eye. He was supremely generous. Twice returned my sponsorship money when I mentioned by losing jobs.
He was a class act, without being classist.
Just like Devi Herself.