Yogamba Sahita Atmanandantha (Ramesh Kutticad) is a Śrī Vidyā Guru from Chennai. He is associated with Guruji since 1996. Smt. and Sri Ramesh have painstakingly written the following scholarly, research. We're grateful to him for allowing us to make these articles available for the public.
The following method helps to visualize the form of Mahāgaṇapati while chanting his 28-syllabled mantra.
oṁ śrīṁ hrīṁ klīṁ glauṁ gaṁ gaṇapataye vara varada sarvajanaṁ me vaśamānaya svāhā
Imagine the beautiful elephant face of the Lord.
Imagine in the right uppermost arm the discus, in the left uppermost arm the lotus of the divine couple - Lakṣmī and Nārāyaṇa.
Imagine in the second lower set the trident and the noose of the divine couple - Gaurī and Śaṅkara.
Imagine in the third lower set the sugarcane bow and the blue lily of the divine couple - Ratī and Manmatha.
Imagine in the fourth lower set the mace and the paddy of the divine couple - Bhumi (Earth) and Varaha.
Imagine in the lowermost set the pomegranate and the tusk of the divine couple - Lakṣmī and Gaṇapati.
Imagine your head resting on the feet of Mahāgaṇapati.
vara varada
Meditate on the ornamental pot of nectar in the trunk and imagine that the Lord showers it on you and you are drenched. The Lord bestows the best blessings on us and the best of boon is the experience of the unlimited bliss that leads to immortality - amṛta.
sarvajanaṁ me vaśamānaya
Meditate on Siddhalakṣmī, the Creatrix of the Universe sitting on the left lap of the Lord with a firm conviction that the world, the divine couple and the self are one. This part of mantra translates as ‘let all people be subjugated to me’, where the word “people”, indicates the Universe. The embrace of Siddhalakṣmī is the creative urge of the Śakti. The lotus in her other hand represents Earth (the last subtle element), which is the result of the mixture of the other four subtle elements.
Indicates an offering into the fire (we are also reminded of the fire sacrifice - Gaṇapati homam). Since whatever is offered into the fire becomes one with it, meditate on the above truth of becoming one with the Lord.