Guruji and GuruAmma in front of Devipuram

Sri Matre Namaha
We are pleased to announce the next set of steps for the Sri Vidya Beginner’s Course (Online). This announcement is for all those who have completed the 40 days Sadhana of the Starters Regime and Sacred Vak.

Details of the process, preparation, time schedules and expectations will be shared in a mandatory introductory Zoom call to be held on April 29th IST 5 pm- 5.30 pm. Zoom call link has been shared in the Telegram Group as well as your emails.

To accommodate participants from other time zones we will be repeating the Zoom call on Apr 30th morning 8.30 am-9am IST. People from other time zones are advised to check the corresponding local time well in advance.

Those who have completed their 40 days Sadhana should compulsorily attend either one of these calls.
This introductory call will be for seekers who had applied prior to March 21st 2024 only AND have completed the 40 days Sadhana of Starters Regime.
Pl note that ONLY those who have completed their Sadhana AND attend this introductory call, will be sent the assessment.

 If you had applied before March 21st, completed the 40 days Starter Regime but have not received the Zoom link, pl send an email to [](, using the SAME email id you shared when filling in the Sri Vidya Seekers Application form.  

Devi's blessings

Rama stickied the discussion.
17 days later

Can u plz let me know what to do after completing 40days of starter regime course I have no idea what next can u plz guide me … I started my sadhana on 27th March 2024

2 months later

Hi, I have been doing the beginner's course fr 30 days. I also am doing the Shri Vidyaranya Samputita for another two weeks. I have some mantras from Swami Amrita. I should have tried to get everything from him when he was alive but you have organzized better abd it makes more sense now. I need everything that Amrita taught. Is there any way I could get the collection of his works and then I could figure out where I am now.

I got the Mahashodashi first. And did everything backwards. I am a poor practitioner. I need to study everything. Some things I can't do though due to my bad back.

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