In soundarya lahari, shloka #11 , it says,
4 shiva triangles, 5 shakti triangles are - the 9 causative forces (mula prakriti)
(चतुर्भिः श्रीकण्ठैः शिवयुवतिभिः पञ्चभिरपि
प्रभिन्नाभिः शंभोर्नवभिरपि मूलप्रकृतिभिः)
Can some one share some light on these forces (mula prakriti)..
(best i could guess is to relate it to sankya philosophy.. congnition, action, tanmatra, bhuta each of 5 types.)
I see another reference of 5 mula prakriti's of Devi as Durga, Radha, Laxmi, Sarasvati and Savitri.