- Edited
108 names of Śrī Svāmi Svaprakāśānanda Tīrtha Avadhūta (Ver. 2)
From the Telugu book called: “Oṃ Śrī Sadguru Svaprakāśānanda Tīrdhāvadhūta Svāmi”
Add “oṃ” and “namaḥ” before and after each name, respectively
I bow to the Guru, Svāmi Svaprakāśānandaavadhūtāya
who is an avadhūtatīrthagurave
who is a Guru in the Tīrtha Orderyogirājāya
who is the King of Yogiscinmayāya
who is filled with consciousnessanantāya
who is infiniteakhaṇḍānanda-rūpāya
whose nature is uninterrupted blissbrahmānanda-rūpāya
whose nature is the bliss of the absolute (brahman)sva-rūpāya
who is one’s own naturearūpāya
Who is without formprasanna-rūpāya
who has a tranquil formanugraha-gurave
who is the Guruabhaya-svarūpāya
whose nature is fearlessnessmahāvākyopadeṣṭre
who taught the Mahāvākyasśiṣyānugraha-rūpāya
whose form [bestows] grace to the disciplesśiṣya-sneha-sambhāṣaṇāya
who converses lovingly with the disciplesśiṣyarakṣaṇa-dīkṣitāya
who is ready to protect his disciplesśiṣya-kavacāya
who is a protective armor for the disciplessaccidānanda-rūpāya
whose nature is true being (sat), consciousness (cit) and bliss (ānanda)ātmānandāya
who is the bliss of the Selfdatta-svarūpāya
whose nature is that of Dattātreyadatta-cintanāya
who meditates on Dattātreyadatto’hamasmi-varapradāya
who bestows the boon [giving the understanding that] “I am Dattātreya”dattapīṭha-nilayāya
whose residence is the Pīṭha of Dattātreyajīvātmaikatva-sādhakā-gurave
the Guru who is one with the worshiper as one’s own lifeārdha-gurave
the Guru who is half [female] (as Ardhanarīśvara)datta-priyāya
who is dear to Dattātreyakṛpāsāgarāya
Who is an ocean of compassionsiddha-gurave
Who is a perfected guruyoga-gamyāya
Who is attainable by Yogaananta-kalyāṇagurave
Who is the guru of infinite blessings (a possible reference to Kalyāṇānanda Tīrtha,
[i.e. the Guru for whom Kalyānānanda is the Infinite])śrīmukhāya
whose face is auspicious (or who is the mouth of Śrī/Lakṣmī)divyānubhūti-prasādāya
whose blessing is a divine experiencedivyānugraha-rūpāya
whose nature is divine gracedivyajyoti-svarūpāya
whose nature is divine lightātmajyotī-rūpāya
whose form is the light of the Selfsvayaṃ-jyotiṣe
Who is one’s own lightparamānandāya
Who is supreme blissavadhūta-gīta-pārāyaṇāya
Who recites the Avadhūta Gītaupaniṣat-prītikarāya
Who inspires love for the Upaniṣadsekatva-prasāda-gurave
the Guru whose blessing is onenessabhedāya
Who is undividedcirañjīvine
Who is immortalsarvāntaryāmine
Who is the inner controller of Allmama-hṛdaya-nilayāya
Whose residence is in one’s own heartparama-viraktāya
who has supreme dispassionśiṣyagṛha-nivāsāya
Who Dwells in the disciples’ homesśiṣyahṛdaya-nivāsāya
who dwells in the heart of [his] disciplesśiṣyānugraha-pādukāya
whose sandals (pāduka) [give] grace to the disciplesatikomala-caraṇāya
whose feet are extremely charmingbhava-bhaya-haraṇāya
who removes the fear of existencesmitamandahāsāya
who Laughing and smiling softlytejo-rūpāya
whose form is filled with lightjñāna-sāgarāya
who is an ocean of wisdomātmajñāna-pradānāya
who bestows the knowledge of the Selfdivya-gandhānu-lepanāya
who is besmeared with divine unguentsbhakta-rakṣaṇa-dīkṣitāya
who is ready to protect the devoteeskaupīnadhāriṇe
who wears a loinclothsākṣād-datta-avadhūtāya
who is Avadhūta Dattātreya in bodily formdatta-mantropadeśāya
who teaches the mantra of Dattātreyakapilapiṃgala-jaṭādharāya
who wears matted tawny (reddish brown) locks (jaṭā)praśāntanayanāya
who eyes are tranquilpadmāsanāya
Who is seated in the lotus posture (padmāsana)pūrṇa-gurave
Who is the complete/full gurubodhaka-gurave
Who is the guru who awakens/teachesbilva-pūjitāya
who is worshiped with Bilva leafsśmaśāna-vāsāya
who resides in the cremation groundsśmaśāna-samādhiyoga-nilayāya
Whose dwelling in his Samādhi Yoga (i.e. Mahāsamādhi) is in the cremation groundsāṣāḍa-pūrṇima-samādhiyogāya
whose Samādhi Yoga (i.e. Mahāsamādhi) was on the full moon of Āṣāḍa (i.e. Guru Pūrṇima)āṣāḍa-kṛṣṇa-pañcami-vijayāya
whose birth was on the 5th day (pañcami) of the dark fortnight (kṛṣṇa pakṣa) of Āṣādaśrīmahā-pādukāya
whose auspicious sandals (pāduka) are Gloriousśrīkamanīya-vigrahāya
whose auspicious form is pleasingdharma-nilayāya
who is the residence of righteousness (dharma)satya-sambhāṣaṇāya
whose discourses are true (or who discourses on the truth)anugraha-vigrahāya
who is the embodiment of gracedīkṣā-gurave
who is the guru who gives initiationsevita-gurave
who is the guru who is worshiped/servedguru-nidhaye
who is a treasure among gurusguru-dattāya
who is the Guru Dattātreyaguṇa-nidhaye
who is a storehouse of excellent qualitiesguru-parātparāya
who is the Guru of the Guru (or higher than the highest Guru)guru-brahmāya
who is the Guru who is Brahmāguru-viṣṇave
who is the Guru who is Viṣṇuguru-maheśvarāya
who is the Guru who is Maheśvara (i.e. Śiva)varada-hastāya
whose hand shows the gesture of granting boonsabhaya-pradāya
who bestows fearlessnessvarada-yogirājāya
who is the king of Yogis who grants boonscinmudrāya
who [shows] the gesture of consciousness (cinmudra)cintāmaṇi-gurave
who is the guru who is like a wish-fulfilling gem (or the guru of the cintāmaṇi [mantra])ātmavidyā-pradāya
who bestows the knowledge of the Selfsarvamāyāhara-gurave
who is the guru who removes the entirety of Māyāāśrita-vatsalāya
who is fond like a parent to those who take refugekaivalya-gurave
who is the guru of perfect detachment from material existence (kaivalya)pāpa-bhañjanāya
who is the destroyer of sinjanmakarma-vināśanāya
who destroys the karma from birthguru-padapaṅkajāya
who is the lotus feet of the gurupūjyāya
who is worshipfulpavitrāya
who purifiesparamapāvanāya
who is the supreme purifierparamahamsāya
who is a renunciate of the highest order (paramahaṃsa)paramānandāya
who is supreme blisspādukā-pūjānugrahāya
who bestows grace through the worship of his sandals (pāduka)siddhataru-vāsāya
who resides in the wish-fulfilling tree (siddhataru)śāntāghorāya
who is peaceful and free from all fearsarvopādhi-vinirmuktāya
who is free of all attributesbhaktānugraha-vigrahāya
who is the embodiment of grace for the devoteessadguru-pādukāya
to the sandals (pāduka) of the true guru (sadguru)namo-namo-sadgurave
I bow again and again to the true guru (sadguru)oṃ śrī sadguru svaprakāśānanda tīrthāvadhūta aṣṭottara śatanāmāvali saṃpūrṇaṃ
Oṃ thus the series of one hundred and eight names of the Śrī Sadguru Svaprakāśānanda Tīrtha Avadhūta are complete.