139. Nirguṇā
While Devi appears to have the three dimensions of desire, knowledge and action, in reality, She is the world of all these characteristics.
The world is ephemeral as long as desires exist; so will there be fulfillment through knowledge or through action; so will the Universe be maintained in the consciousness. Once the desires are no more, this ephemeral world subsides into the primordial aspect of Asat; as such, there are no guṇas to characterize anything, since Devi is both Sat and Asat. She has and does not have guṇas at the same time.
Source: Śrī Amṛtānandanātha Sarasvatī "Sudhā Syandinī Bhāṣyaṃ" Typed Manuscript
(an incomplete commentary on Lalitā Sahasranāma)