115. Bhadrapriyā
She is fond of safety for Her devotees.
Bhadra also means an elephant besides safety. Śrī Sūktam says of Devi: ‘Hastināda-prabodhinīm’. Awakening the sound of an elephant God, Vinayaka. As we have pointed out earlier, the sound of an elephant is manifested as Parā in Mūlādhāra and Svādhiṣṭhāna, as Paśyanti in the Maṇipūra, as Madhyama in Anāhata and Viśuddhi and as victory in the Laṁbikāgra, the throat center. At Mūlādhāra, She is known as Adi Parāśakti.
The letter Bha means the ākāśa or the space. Dra is a symbol for sound. Sound is the tanmātra or the property of ākāśa. So the word bhadra means all mantras which are sounds capable of traversing the infinite spaces. She is fond of all mantras.
The word bhadra can be interpreted to mean ‘bhāgam drāvayati iti bhadram’. So bhadra means a dissolution of the universe. So She is fond of the process of reestablishing the last Godhood of man which is auspicious.
Source: Śrī Amṛtānandanātha Sarasvatī "Sudhā Syandinī Bhāṣyaṃ" Typed Manuscript
(an incomplete commentary on Lalitā Sahasranāma)