110. Kuṇḍalinī
Kuṇḍalinī means a circle or a spiral. The movement of awareness takes on a spiral line or a helical path traversing all the lotuses of the Samayācāra mode of worship and it takes a circular form in the Mūlādhāra or Svādhiṣṭhāna cakras, in the Tantric Kaula mode of worship. In both cases She is called Kuṇḍalinī. The word Kuṇḍa means a pit. Kuṇḍalinī is energy going round and round in the circular fashion in a pit.
Source: Śrī Amṛtānandanātha Sarasvatī "Sudhā Syandinī Bhāṣyaṃ" Typed Manuscript
(an incomplete commentary on Lalitā Sahasranāma)