Sri Matre Namaha... Sri Gurubhyo Namaha,
In reverence to our most benevolent teacher, Guruji Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, who so lovingly showed us the path to the Divine Mother, let us reaffirm our dedication to His lotus feet. Come, be a part of the Gurupaduka Mantra Japam - chanting of the Guru Mantra every day until Sep 25th, by His disciples from all over the world.
On Amrita Jayanti - Sep 26th, which is His birthday and this year the commencement of the Dasara Brahmotsavam festivities, a Homam will be performed with these Mantra dedications. All disciples are invited to be a part of these celebrations at Devipuram. A few years ago, we made a small beginning with disciples performing the Amrita Jayanti Homas in different places across the world on Sep 26th simultaneously along with the Homa done at Devipuram!!
To enhance that effort, we had created an online course on performing this Homa using the Laghu Vidhi. Close to 700 sadhakas have registered so far to learn this! In addition, hundreds of students who have taken various courses through Devipuram have been able to learn either Laghu Vidhi or Purna Vidhi.
This year, we welcome more and more people to chant the Guru mantra, come forward to learn the Laghu Homa Vidhi and perform Homam at your homes.
Guruji may have given different Guru Mantras to different disciples. You may chant the one you received from Him.
Pl fill in the details at this link so that we may know the cumulative count of Guru Mantra Japam that you plan to complete by Sep 25th. And share this link with other disciples/disciple groups.
Sarvam Sri Guru Padaravindam arpanamastu.