Devī’s victory procession
Later, Lalitā Devī, making the noise emanating from the four oceans as the drums and accompanied with several other instruments proceeded for the battle against Bhaṇḍāsura. From Lalitā Devī’s Aṅkuśam, ‘Sampatkarī Devī’ came out along with crores and crores of elephants and started following Lalitā Devī (Sampatkarī-samārūḍha-sindhura-vraja-sevitā).
Sampatkarī Devī was sitting on the elephant named ‘Raṇakolāhalam’ (battle bustle, battle uproar). From Lalitā Devī’s Pāśam arose Aśvārūḍhā Devī along with a big army of horses and was moving in front of Lalitā Devī (Aśvārūḍhādhiṣṭhitāśva-koṭi-koṭibhirāvṛtā). The horse carrying Aśvārūḍhā Devī was named ‘Aparājitam’ (one who cannot be defeated).
Later, commander of the army Daṇḍanāthā Devī played the drums to start marching. As the march started Daṇḍanāthā Devī got down from her chariot and sat down on the lion. The lion is named ‘Vajraghoṣam’ (Kiricakra-rathārūḍha-daṇḍanāthā-puraskṛtā). All her soldiers started praising her by twelve different names.
pañcamī daṇḍanāthā ca saṅketā samayeśvarī
tathā samayasaṅketā vārāhī potriṇī śivā
vārtālī ca mahāsenā-pyājñācakreśvarī tathā
arighnī ceti samproktaṃ nāma dvādaśakaṃ mune
Later, Mantriṇī Devī played the drums of marching. Her soldiers were mainly decorated sensuously. They were playing vīṇās and singing. Mantriṇī Devī was moving in her Geyacakra ratha (circle of army formed by singers) [Geyacakra-rathārūḍha-mantriṇī-parisevitā]. She was being praised by sixteen names.
saṅgītayoginī śyāmā śyāmalā mantranāyikā
mantriṇī saciveśānī pradhāneśī śukapriyā
vīṇāvatī vaiṇikī ca mudriṇī priyakapriyā
nīpapriyā kadambeśī kadambavanavāsinī
sadāmadā ca nāmāni ṣoḍaśaitāni kumbhaja
One who recites this stotra can conquer all the three worlds.
Then, from the bird in the hands of Mantriṇī Devī, appeared god Dhanurveda with a spectacular bow in his hand and said “Mother! this bow is called "Citrajīvam". This quiver is Akṣayā (one which is unlimited, fills up spontaneously). Please accept them for demolishing the demons.”
Now Lalitā Devī started moving with sugarcane, bow, arrows, spear and whip in the Śri-cakrarāja-rathā. She is being praised with 25 names.
siṃhāsaneśī lalitā mahārājñī varāṅkuśā
cāpinī tripurā caiva mahā-tripura-sundarī
sundarī cakra-nāthā ca samrājñī cakriṇī tathā
cakreśvarī mahādevī kāmeśī parameśvarī
kāmarāja-priyā kāmakoṭikā cakravartinī
mahāvidyā śivānaṅga vallabhā sarvapāṭalā
kulanāthāmnāyanāthā sarvāmnāya-nivāsinī
śṛṅgāra-nāyikā ceti pañca viṃśati nāmābhiḥ
One who recites this stotra attains Aṣṭasiddhis (8 spiritual accomplishments).
Bhaṇḍāsura-vadhodyukta-śaktisenā-samanvitā in Lalitā Sahasranāma stotram means one who is ready with Her army (Śaktisenā) to annihilate Bhaṇḍāsura.
Bhaṇḍā’s war preparation
While Lalitā Devī was proceeding for the war, many bad omens were observed in Bhanda’s Śūnyaka Paṭṭana. Bhaṇḍāsura called upon an urgent meeting along with his brothers Viśukra and Viṣaṅga to assess and evaluate the situation.
In the meeting Viśukra spoke thus:
All gods have burnt themselves by jumping into fire, out of despair. From that fire arose Mother Goddess, who rejuvenated all gods. She is coming for a war with us, along with an army of women. Those gods are trying to cut stones using tender leaves. Even then we should not neglect that Woman.
We must send our army immediately.
Viṣaṅga told, "Any work should only be done after properly thinking about it. First we must send spies and see how powerful their army is. We must not underestimate the enemy's army. In the past Hiraṇyakaśipu was killed by an animal. Śumbha and Niśumbha were killed by a woman. So, we must get more information about Her. Who is She? Who is supporting or protecting Her? What does She want?
All these queries should be answered.
Listening to this Bhaṇḍāsura shuddered the proposal with a sarcastic grin. Even if all the gods are behind Her, we have nothing to fear. Do not entertain such useless thoughts and spoil your mind. Immediately Bhaṇḍāsura ordered ‘Kuṭilākṣa’, commander-in-chief of his army, to protect the fort.
He ordered the priests and ministers to perform Abhicāra (black magic) homa. He ordered Lalitā to be dragged to him holding Her hair. Now, the demons played the war drums. Kuṭilākṣa sent the first batch of army with demon Durmada as the commander. At Śūnyakapura Kuṭilākṣa made arrangements for protection.
Eastern entry - Tālajaṅgha, Southern entry - Tālabhuja, Western entry - Tālagrīva, Northern entry - Tālaketu were placed along with 10 akṣauhiṇīs army each. For each corner of the town another 10 akṣauhiṇīs was allocated for protection.
Śaktisenā's uproar
Durmada was confronted by Sampatkarī Devī and her army of elephants (who arose from Lalitā Devī’s spear). Realising that his army was being defeated Durmada himself came for the war seated on a camel. Sampatkarī Devī who was seated on Raṇakolāhalam’ her elephant, faced him. In the ferocious battle Durmada was able to destroy one gem from the crown of Sampatkarī Devī. Angry with this, Sampatkarī Devī killed Durmada with her arrows which pierced his heart. With that the remaining demons fled back to their town out of fear.
Listening to this Bhaṇḍāsura was very angry and sent Durmada’s elder brother Kuruṇḍa for battle. He is an expert in māyā yuddha (war using mystical powers). Full of vengeance he attacked Sampatkarī Devī. In the meanwhile Aśvārūḍhā Devī who had taken birth from Lalitā Devī’s whip came forward and pleaded Sampatkarī Devī to give her a chance to fight with this demon.
Now Aśvārūḍhā Devī along with her army pounced upon Kuruṇḍa. Aśvārūḍhā Devī mounted on ‘Aparajita’ was herself leading the army. In that battle she killed Kuruṇḍa by piercing his chest with her spear. Remaining demons fled for their lives. Bhaṇḍā became furious. He sent a huge army this time (100 akṣauhiṇīs) along with 5 commanders.
They materialised serpent gods by name ‘Raṇaśāmbarī’ which attacked śaktisenā. The demons had previously defeated gods using these mystic powers. Crores and crores of serpents, which arose from the serpent gods, started torturing the Śaktisenā. They were taking birth again and again even after being killed a number of times. Then Nakulī Devī mounted on Garuḍa came to the battlefield. From her mouth came out 32 crores of mongooses. These mongooses started gobbling up all the newborn serpents immediately after birth.
Then Nakulī Devī killed Raṇaśāmbarī with Garuḍāstram. All the five commanders now attacked Nakulī Devī, Nakulī Devī’s mongoose army attacked them from the rear. In that ferocious battle Nakulī Devī who was mounted on Garuḍa was making aerial strikes on the demons who were not able to catch her. She killed the five commanders by chopping of their heads.
Bhaṇḍā after listening to this sent Balāhaka and other seven commanders along with 300 akṣauhiṇī army. These seven demons are sons of demoness named Kīkasa. In the past they obtained a boon from Sūrya that at the time of war Sūrya would reside in their eyes. As soon as these demons entered the battlefield the Śaktisenā army started becoming blindfolded and incapacitated unable to face the brilliance of their eyes. Demons started becoming ferocious.
Immediately the bodyguard of Daṇḍanāthā Devī – named Tiraskāriṇīka Devī, entered the battle field mounted on an aeroplane named ‘Tamoliptam’. At the order of Daṇḍanāthā Devī she discharged an arrow named ‘Andhanastra’, and the seven commanders were forced to close their eyes. Now Śaktisenā started pouncing back.
Keeping Tiraskāriṇīka Devī in the forefront, other gods killed the seven commanders. With this blow Bhaṇḍāsura lost his senses. He called upon his two brothers for a discussion.
Sources: 7th Day (16-10-99) of Sri Devi Navaratri Festivals ’99, Avadhoota Datta Peetham – Mysore, Manblunder[1], Manblunder[2], and Manblunder[3]