The following stotram is a very powerful Hymn to Lord Gaṇeśa in which the first letters/word of each verse corresponds to the letter/word of the Mūlamantram. This Stotram is composed by Śrī C V Swami Śastri aka Śrī Anantānanda Nātha, who devotes it to His Guru Deva Śrī Cidānanda Nātha. He has announced that the merits of reading and chanting this Stotram are equivalent to chanting the Mūlamantram.
Source: | sanskritdocuments |
oṃ hrīṃ śrīṃ klīṃ glauṃ gaṃ gaṇapataye varavarada sarvajanaṃ me vaśamānaya svāhā
Atha Stotram
oṃ-ityetadajasya kaṇṭhavivaraṃ bhitvā bahirnirgataṃ
hyomityeva samastakarma ṛṣibhiḥ prārabhyate mānuṣaiḥ .
omityeva sadā japanti yatayaḥ svātamaikaniṣṭhāḥ paraṃ
hyoṅkārākṛtivaktraminduniṭilaṃ vighneśvaraṃ bhavāye .. 1..
The Oṃkara shaped O Vakratuṇḍa Gaṇapati, Salutations to you. The Oṃ has projected itself in the Universe having sprouted from the throat of Śabda Brahma. Oṃ is used in the beginning and in the end of every auspicious and inauspicious occasions. The sages who are introvert, that is those who are ANTARMUKHIS, dwell themselves in Oṃ, so also the common men chant Oṃ always.
śrīm-bījaṃ śramaduḥkhajanmamaraṇavyādhyādhibhīnāśakaṃ
mṛtyukrodhanaśāntibinduvilasadvarṇākṛtiśrīpradam .
svāntaḥsvātmaśarasya lakṣyamajarasvātmāvabodhapradaṃ
śrīśrīnāyakasevite bhavadanapremāspadaṃ bhāvaye .. 2..
My affectionate salutations to “Śrī” the Lakṣmī and “Śrī Nayaka” the Viṣṇu who worship Gaṇapati. All the sufferings in world is due to birth, death, disease, illness, natural calamities, fear and fatigue. With your grace O Gaṇapati, all these will be neutralised by chanting Śrī. You are the straight arrow which can reach the immortal SELF embedded within and for awakening the SELF.
hrīm-bījaṃ hṛdayatrikoṇavilasanmadhyāsanasthaṃ sadā
cākāśānalavāmalocananiśānāthārdhavarṇātmakam .
māyākāryajagatprakāśakamumārūpaṃ svaśaktipradaṃ
māyātītapadapradaṃ hṛdi bhaje lokeśvarārādhitam .. 3..
O Lord Gaṇeśa, you are worshipped by all Gods. You will remove all worldly bewilderment and bless us with eternal bliss. Your seat is the centre of the triangle which is in the heart. The elements, space, fire, and other syllables, form the seed syllable Hrīṁ.
klīm-bījaṃ kalidhātuvatkalayatāṃ sarveṣṭadaṃ dehināṃ
dhātṛkṣmāyutaśāntibinduvilasadvarṇātmakaṃ kāmadam .
śrīkṛṣṇapriyamindirāsutamanaḥprītyekahetuṃ paraṃ
hṛtpadme kalaye sadā kaliharaṃ kālāriputrapriyam .. 4..
O Gaṇeśa, you are the Son of Uma and Siva who has conquered Yama, the lord of death. You are the fondled lad of Lakshmi, the beloved of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. You are the form of the seed syllable Klīṁ, fulfilling all the desires and also destroying all the evil effects of kaliyugma.
glaum-bījaṃ guṇarūpanirguṇaparabrahmādiśaktermahā-
haṅkārākṛtidaṇḍinīpriyamajaśrīnātharudreṣṭadam .
sarvākarṣiṇidevarājabhuvanārṇendvātmakaṃ śrīkaraṃ
citte vighnanivāraṇāya girijajātapriyaṃ bhāvaye .. 5..
O Lord, the beloved son of Girija, a mountain born. I pray you to remove all obstacles. The seed syllable Glauṃ is the element of Brahmā and the earth; along with the conjunct syllables indicate your place in the earth element, it represents Mahāvārāhī, Sarvākarṣiṇi Śakti, Indra and also 14 worlds.
gaṅgāsutaṃ gandhamukhopacārapriyaṃ khagārohaṇabhāgineyam .
gaṅgāsutādyaṃ varagandhatattvamūlāmbujasthaṃ hṛdi bhāvaye'ham .. 6..
O Mahāgaṇapati, eldest son of Gaṅga, I Contemplate on you in my Lotus heart. You are worshipped with Sandal paste, flower, the incense, the light and offering naivedya. You are the choicest Nephew of Garuda vahana Viṣṇu. Your seat is Muladhara, the element earth and represents the sense Smell.
gaṇapataye varaguṇanidhaye suragaṇapataye natajanatataye .
maṇigaṇabhūṣitacaraṇayugāśritamalaharaṇe caṇa te namaḥ .. 7..
I bow at your lotus feet decorated by glittering anklets studded with precious gems. O Gaṇapati, you are the treasure of noble qualities, the Commander of the fleet of Gods and surrounded by the humble devotees.
varābhaye modakamekadantaṃ karāmbujātaiḥ satataṃ dharantam .
varāṅgacandraṃ parabhaktisāndrairjanairbhajantaṃ kalaye sadā'ntaḥ .. 8..
You are holding modaka, a tasteful sweet in one hand and on the other your broken trunk. The third hand with the gesture of protection, Abhaya Mudra and the fourth with the gesture of fulfilling desires, the Varada Mudra. Your crown is decorated by the crescent moon. The enlightened souls always meditate upon you in their hearts. Some where in the corner of my heart I also want to have your glimpses.
varada natajanānāṃ santataṃ vakratuṇḍa
svaramayanijagātra svātmabodhaikaheto .
karalasadamṛtāmbhopūrṇapatrādya mahyaṃ
garagalasuta śīghraṃ dehi madbodhamīḍyam .. 9..
You bestow auspiciousness on those who humble their heads at your feet. You are the embodiment of the essence of the Sound, the Śabda Brahma, that is Oṁkara. Please shower on me the nectar from the golden pot studded with gems held in the eleventh hand, that is the trunk.
sarvajanaṃ paripālaya śarvaja
parvasudhākaragarvahara .
parvatanāthasutāsuta pālaya
kharvaṃ mā kuru dīnamimam .. 10 ..
O Lord, Son of Śiva. You have humbled the pride of the 4th day moon. O the Grandson of the emperor of Mountain Himavant, shower on me, the insignificant one, your grace.
medo'sthimāṃsarudhirāntramaye śarīre
medinyabagnimarudambaralāsyamāne .
me dāruṇaṃ madamukhāghamumāja hṛtvā
medhāhvayāsanavare vasa dantivaktra .. 11..
My body is comprised of Seven subtle elements and five gross elements. O Son of Uma, Lord of tusk, I have become restless because of accumulated sins due to pride and ignorance. Please be present yourself in Medha, the mind and flood it with knowledge and wisdom
vaśaṃ kuru tvaṃ śivajāta māṃ te vaśīkṛtāśeṣasamastaloka .
vasārṇasaṃśobhitamūlapadmalasacchriyā'liṅtavāraṇāsya .. 12..
O Controller of all the worlds ! Grace me to control my wild senses. O Elephant faced Lord! You are seated with Lakṣmī in Mūlādhāra Padma, which represents Va, Śa, Ṣa and Sa the seed syllables
ānayāśupadavārijāntikaṃ māṃ nayādiguṇavarjitaṃ tava .
hānihīnapadajāmṛtasya te pānayogyamibhavaktra māṃ kuru .. 13..
I am an ignorant, quite far away from good qualities and right path. Give me shelter at your Lotus feet and make me eligible to sip the nectar of your ever-protecting Lotus feet.
svāhā-svarūpeṇa virājase tvaṃ sudhāśanānāṃ priyakarmaṇīḍyam .
svadhāsvarūpeṇa tu pitryakarmaṇyumāsutejyāmayaviśvamūrte .. 14..
O Son of Uma, Lord of sacrifice fire, Yajñamūrti. You are worshipped as Svāhā by the learned practitioners of sacrifice fire, the Agnihotris and at the same time you are worshipped as Svādhā in the ceremonies of departed souls, pitṛkarmas.
aṣṭāviṃśativarṇapatralasitaṃ hāraṃ gaṇeśapriyaṃ
kaṣṭā'niṣṭaharaṃ caturdaśapadaiḥ puṣpairmanohārakam .
tuṣṭyādipradasadguruttamapadāmbhoje cidānandadaṃ
śiṣṭeṣṭo'hamanantasūtrahṛdayā''baddhaṃ subhaktyā'rpaye .. 15..
This garland pleases, Lord Gaṇeśa, the binding with 28 petals formed to make pleasant 14 phrases. The garland, the Stotra bestows auspiciousness and fulfils all the desires of the devotee. I am the blessed disciple at the Lotus feet of gracious sadguru Cidānanda Nātha and also favourite to all learned men. This garland is connected through Anantānanda deep from my heart and offered with utmost devotion at the lotus feet of Cidānanda Nātha, my Guru.
iti śrīanantānandakṛtaṃ śrīgurucidānandanāthasamarpitaṃ