The Hindi tantric tradition mentions that the ninth Great Cosmic Wisdom is Matangi, the Divine Mother that is sometimes described as having a dark green, emerald like color.
She is also presented as offering Her grace and blessings in a profound and beatific state of divine ecstasy that She ceaselessly lives in.
Etymologically, Mata means “a thought” or “an opinion”. Consequently, Matangi is the Great Cosmic Wisdom that penetrates the thought or the mind.
In fact, the main aspect that She represents is the “word” which is actually an embodiment or objectivity of thoughts.
Ruling the act of speaking, Matangi is also associated to the sense organ which is the ear and to our ability to listen.
This is actually the origin of the learning process, that generates powerful and deep thoughts.
Thus, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Matangi offers to those who adore Her sincerely, who are prepared and mature enough spiritually as well as endowed with a certain aesthetical refinement, the deep knowledge of symbols and archetypes, great artistic talent and helps them reach perfection in their creations.
She is the Great Goddess of the “uttered word” itself and of any other type of exterior manifestation of inner knowledge, including all forms of art, music and dance.
From this point of view, Matangi is one of the three Great Cosmic Wisdoms related to the Divine Logos, the other two being Tara and Tripura Bhairavi .
Matangi is, like Tara, a Great Cosmic Wisdom that expresses the power of learning and eloquence in debates and discussions.
But, while Tara refers to the Superior Divine Logos (Pashyanti, that implicitly contains everything, Matangi represents the Inferior Divine Logos (Vaikhari), the so called “uttered word”.
This is the lowest level of differentiation of the Divine Logos, the level of the effective utterance of words.
From this point of view (of the expression of the Divine Logos) and compared to Tara and Matangi, Tripura Bhairavi represents the Great Cosmic Wisdom of the transcendent and un-manifested Divine Logos (Paravak).
Therefore, Matangi represents the intermediary, medium level (Madhyama) of the Divine Logos as well. This level governs the ideas that eventually become the words we utter, that is, the process of thinking itself.
At Her highest level, Matangi is Para-Vaikhari, the Supreme Logos that manifests through the means of effective (audible) speech.
In fact, this is the manifested and direct revelation of the highest knowledge in the form of human speech, from which all the texts and writings containing great wisdom appeared.
Consequently, Matangi contains in Her sphere of consciousness and activity all the levels of speech.
In the Indian spiritual tradition, Matangi is closely connected to Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and the consort of the great god Brahma (the Creator of Macro cosmos) from the Hindi trinity (Trimurti).
Just like Saraswati, Matangi is presented playing a sacred Hindi instrument (vina) that symbolizes the fact that She also rules and influences the domain of music and audible sound, not only the uttered word.
That is why Matangi is sometimes represented as the manifested form of songs and tunes. She is symbolized (just as Saraswati is) by storm clouds, lightning and also by the rivers that flow into the sea or ocean.
Matangi represents the vibratory resonance or nada of the subtle sound, that manifests on different levels in the whole subtle structure of nadis found in our being.
Nevertheless, there are differences between these two great goddesses. Matangi is the form of Saraswati that implies inner knowledge.
In other words, She is the mystic, occult and ecstatic form of Saraswati, because Saraswati is especially known as the goddess of common knowledge, of art and culture.
Matangi governs the mysterious and extraordinary domain of divine knowledge, that leads us beyond the limits of conventionalism.
We can assert that Matangi is actually the face of Saraswati related to the transforming energy of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Kali.
Matangi expresses herself in Her highest form through the Guru who offers his knowledge to his disciples by the means of the uttered word.
Thus, we can assert that Matangi represents the teachings of the Guru and the spiritual tradition that he embodies.
At a more general level, Matangi represents the continuity of the spiritual traditions in the world, animated and made known by many great spiritual masters.
That is why, to worship Matangi means in a way, to worship the Guru. Those who teach others and especially those who spread spiritual knowledge to many people are blessed in a special way and helped by the divine grace of Matangi if they act justly and are divinely integrated in those circumstances.
Etymologically, Mata also means “wild” or “passionate”. Consequently, Matangi is the one who is agile and passionate in the movements of Her body.
In Sanskrit, Matangi also means a female elephant. In Hindi mythology, the elephant is the main symbol of the god Ganesha, the first born from the love between goddess Parvati and the great god Shiva.
Ganesha is also known as the god with elephant head. One of his characteristics is that he is the Master of the Uttered Word and of Knowledge, assuring success and victory in debates or any other actions related to the material world.
Thus, he is adored as the one who removes the obstacles from any of our actions. For example, in India it is almost compulsory to invoke Ganesha before any teaching process based on the transfer of knowledge (especially if it has a spiritual nature) and before important conventional activities like marriage, travel or business meetings.
Thanks to this resonance between Matangi and Ganesha, the Great Goddess is worshipped as the consort of Ganesha (at a certain level).
Generally speaking, the two consorts of Ganesha are Buddhi (the sparkling intelligence) and Siddhi (the success and effective fulfillment of wishes through paranormal powers).
Matangi is endowed with the same powers, that is why She is sometimes invoked both for removing obstacles from an action and succeeding in it as well as for gaining a profound knowledge about the essential truths of Creation.
Another aspect of Matangi is that She is present in any impurity. At a certain level, this characteristic can be explained by the nature of the uttered word itself that is inherently limited in what it can express.
This impurity can be eliminated only when perceiving the real power and subtle influence of Matangi, which is beyond the “wall” of the uttered word.
At a maximum level of objectivity, the uttered word makes things somehow profane, as just naming an object, for example, generates a relatively wrong comprehension of that object, and thus, a kind of “depreciation” of it.
That is why numbers, descriptions, explanations etc. become veritable “obstacles” of our elevated perception of the real nature of the world around us.
Matangi represents the Great Cosmic Wisdom that rules this level of manifestation and offers the possibility to use it rightly and to pass beyond its gregarious significations.
In the Hindu tradition, Matangi is the ninth Great Cosmic Wisdom whose feminine, playful, spontaneous, divine expression and whose sublime state of inner freedom might be very helpful for the one who wishes and has the courage to discover and overcome the limits of conventionality and foolish prejudices.
The worship of this Great Cosmic Wisdom will support the efforts of any ardent follower of the tantric path.
There is a level that can be related to the so-called impurity which is symbolically assigned to Matangi.
Our essential divine nature, the Supreme Self (Atman), transcends the laws of Nature and is eternally beyond good and evil.
We will face these residues of duality and we wont be able to reach the divine, immaculate and perfectly non-dual transcendence as long as we remain attached to the impurities (mala) of the manifested world.
From this point of view, Matangi can be really helpful because She represents, among others, the attribute of knowledge that leads us to the Truth.
Thus, Her grace helps the sincere and devoted worshiper transcend the limits and impure conventions of the manifested world.
Another essential aspect of Matangi is that She ecstatically reveals the highest metaphysical knowledge even in this manifested world (which is considered impure when compared to the un-manifested the divine transcendence).
We can say that Matangi is the first Great Cosmic Wisdom (and deity) that allows the knowledge of Her great powers, through direct revelation, to the sincere and devoted aspirants.
According to the Upanishads, the essence of the human expression is speech or, in other words, what we say loudly.
Thus, what we express in words is the outcome of all that we take over in our life at the level of conception and experience.
This final residue and, in the mean time, representation of what we are by the means of speech is, in fact, the manifestation of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Matangi.
But this final synthesis of our being is not common speech, but rather the most profound expression of our soul.
At an universal level, the Divine Logos manifests some essential characteristics like power, feeling and passion that are identified with the Endless Divine Bliss itself (ananda) and not only with the limited emotions from their expression scale.
Consequently, the Divine Logos is not only a statement, a theoretical or practical aspect but also a living and effervescent expression of energy and ecstatic happiness.
This bliss (ananda) is another aspect of Matangi that is very active, passionate and perfectly happy in this divine play of manifestation.
Matangi impersonates the great powers of nature. Thus, She personifies the wild beauty, the abstraction, the mystery and the hidden power of the tropical jungle where She is symbolized by a strong and active elephant, thus reflecting the primary rhythms of Nature.
From this point of view, the Matangi's forms of expression are similar to the ones that characterize Tripura Sundari.
Matangi represents the dazzling beauty of Creation as an expression of the essential Self, but while in the case of Tripura Sundari this beauty manifests especially as an inner experience at the level of our consciousness, the prevailing expression of Matangi is objective and exterior.
In the tantric pantheon Matangi has the position of a prime minister among the other deities, as She is the counselor of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Tripura Sundari, the Supreme Queen of the entire Creation.
In this aspect Matangi is called Mantrini, because She has the supreme power and supremacy over all mantras especially when they are uttered. Thus, She confers the ability to communicate with all the other deities by the means of mantras.
Furthermore, we can say that She governs over all types of knowledge and therefore, She is a precious adviser and teacher on this path. The persons who want to compel recognition in this area should fervently worship Matangi.
The tantric tradition asserts that Matangi has Her subtle projection (in the micro cosmos of the human being) at the level of Vishuddha Chakra, which is the subtle plexus of speech.
She is also located at the level of the tip of tongue, where the articulate speech begins and where we can perceive the essential (more or less refined) tastes of food.
There is a subtle energetic channel that begins at the tip of the tongue. This subtle energetic channel (nadi) is called Saraswati and is related to the energetic manifestation of the Great Cosmic Wisdom Matangi.
Practically, Saraswati Nadi is a subtle nadi that facilitates the manifestation of divine inspiration at the level of the mind through speech.
Matangi represents the stream of blissful subtle energy that flows through this subtle nadi (Saraswati) conferring inspiration in the art of metaphysical poetry and verbal expression of the divine truths.
Her meditation form is represented by a dark green color, similar to the color of the pure and precious emerald, a color that symbolizes the profound knowledge about created aspects and also the essential energy of life.
As we already know, green is the color of the planet Mercury, which governs the power of intelligence.
Matangi must be visualized playing a rudra-vina, which is a symbol of the power and inspiration that She offers to the sincere and devoted worshiper regarding music and all the vibrating manifestations of energy.
The beauty of Matangi is dazzling and She wears many mysterious objects with which She fascinates and seduces Her sincere worshipers.
She wears the same ornaments and objects like Tripura Sundari. Sometimes, She is represented holding a multi colored parrot, which is the symbol of the power of expression through speech in Nature.
Matangi must be visualized in our meditations as sitting on a wonderful throne made up of precious stones.
One of the most common means of worshiping Matangi (especially in India) is to correctly pronounce the syllables of the Sanskrit alphabet.
This represents the un-manifested subtle sound when compared to the uttered words that symbolize the manifestation of these essential divine energies in Creation.
A correct pronunciation of the syllables of the Sanskrit alphabet can be related to the energetic petals (or spokes) of the main subtle force centers (chakras) of the human being and it can fully purify, awaken and activate them.
Another efficient way in which Matangi can be worshiped is to meditate on the deep meaning of the sacred texts of spirituality, and especially on the wise words of the Guru.
In time, this efficient practice will become a veritable process of meditation and even of contemplation of the teachings of the spiritual master and of the ways in which they are connected to our own life.
Music is also a very efficient means of worshipping Matangi. In fact, the Great Cosmic Wisdom Matangi is worshiped as the main goddess of music and, consequently, of musicians.
A daily deep meditation with the bija mantra that corresponds to the conscience sphere of Matangi confers power and genius like inspiration in all forms of artistic expression, but especially in music.
At the highest level, we must recognize in Matangi as the mysterious meaning of the perfect silence of the Supreme Self Atman, which is in fact, the veritable essence and power beyond all our thoughts and words.
In other words, we must gradually understand that the Great Cosmic Wisdom Matangi that manifests mostly through speech and art divinely leads the objective, visible world (samsara) to the pure, sacred realm of divine transcendence.
Source: shivashakti.com