Therefore worship him, worship his feet, cherish the sandals which house his feet, the pādukā.
Just as the essence of Speech is there below in the basic centre, mūlādhāra, just as the lowest in the rung - the sūtras and the like - are the effective instrumentations, similarly in the Ocean of Kula all knowledge is founded on the pādukā.
Remember and cherish this pādukā which yields infinitely more merit than any number of observances, gifts, sacrifices, pilgrimages, mantra-japa and rituals of worship. It is that which, remembered, protects in times of distress and danger and calamity.
Study, remembrance, knowledge, donations and sacrifices and worship are truly done by him who ever remembers on the tip of his tongue the Mantra of this pādukā.
Look towards the direction in which the lotus feet of the Guru lie and bow to it every day with devotion.
There is no mantra higher than that of the pādukā, no god higher than the Guru, no initiation than that of the Śakta and no merit higher than the Kula worship.
At the root of dhyāna is the form of the Guru; at the root of pūjā is the feet of the Guru; at the root of the mantra is the word of the Guru and at the root of all liberation is the grace of the Guru.
In this world all holy actions are rooted in the Guru; therefore is the Guru to be constantly served with devotion for fulfillment.
All fear of distress, grief, avarice delusion, bewilderment, exists only as long as one does not take refuge in the Guru.
All wanderings in saṁsāra fraught with grief and impurity last as long as one has no devotion to a holy Guru.
The beautiful mantra of the pādukā whose root is in the grace of the Guru, loaded with the fruit of all fulfillment purifies and leads to the supreme Truth.
As the boon-giving Guru gives the mantra in contentment and beatitude, try to please him with devotion, wealth, your very life.
Indeed, it is only when the high Guru gives himself to the disciple that he becomes liberated, free from birth.
The disciple should wait upon him till he gets pleased, for once he is pleased, all the sins drop away.
These lovers of the devoted get for their dependents what they may not even hope for.
When the Guru is pleased, even Gods like Brahma, Viṣṇu, Maheśa, sages and yogins, bestow their grace.
Directed by the compassionate Guru who is pleased with devotion, the disciple attains liberation from karma and becomes eligible to both freedom and fulfillment
Source: Kulārṇava Tantra