Tonight Rāhu, the limited knowing subject, devours the sun and the moon, or the means of knowledge and the objects of knowledge. And so, for a limited time while these three are fused together, the shining forth of supreme consciousness is said to take place a little clearer than normal. Spiritual practice performed at this time is supposed to be extra efficacious. Abhinavagupta, our kaula tantra jagadguru, tells us,
ग्रासमोक्षान्तरे स्नानध्यानहोमजपादिकम् ।
लौकिकालौकिकं भूयःफलं स्यात्पारलौकिकम् ॥
all rituals such as bathing, meditation, fire offerings, the recitation of mantras, etc. that are performed in between Rāhu's devouring of the sun and its liberation, give rise to an infinite number of fruits relating to this world, not related to this world, and that are related to the next world!
In his typical esoteric and thought provoking style, he furthers that the true eclipse begins when we, through redirecting the rays of our own limited consciousness, stop the power of time (whose nature is differentiation and activity) and consume the unsurpassed nectar of immortality.
Guruji teaches us that invoking the kalās of fire, the sun, and the moon in tantric worship creates a sort of "mantric eclipse" beneficial for ritual worship and sādhanā. Another way to get "in-line" with what is going on is to watch the incoming lunar and out-going solar breaths with special attention to their 'turning' points. These gaps also constitute "inner" solar and lunar eclipses perceived by those yogis who are subtle enough.
There are many more interesting and powerful correlations and contemplations for sādhana between the microcosm and the macrocosm, and between the objects of knowledge and the means to know them. So, however one tunes into these important moments tonight, may they be universally beneficial, auspicious, and full of bliss.
śrī gurubhyo namaḥ