25) Śuddha-vidyāṅkurākāra-dvijapaṅkti-dvayojjvalā
The 32 mantras constituting the pūrṇa dīkṣā, or the full initiation are Her pure white teeth. One of the enumerations the pūrṇa dīkṣā are the following mantras from raśmi mālā.
- Tripada Gāyatrī at Mūlādhāra
- Indra at Anāhata
- Sūrya at Ājñā
- Praṇava at Brahmarandhra
- Turiya Gāyatrī in the Moon
- Mahā Viṣṇu at Mūlādhāra
- Tara at Brahmarandhra
- Gaṇapati at Mūlādhāra
- Śiva Śakti at Heart, Anāhata
- Parā Brahma at Brahmarandhra
- Varṇamālā in the Moon
- Kuṇḍalinī in the Moon
- Bālā Mūlādhāra
- Annapūrṇā at Mūlādhāra
- Aśvārūḍhā at Mūlādhāra
- Śrī Pādukā at Mūlādhāra
- Mātaṅgī at Anāhata
- Vāgvādinī at Anāhata
- Nakulī at Anāhata
- Śrī Guru Pādukā at Anāhata
- Mātāṅgīśvari at Anāhata
- Rājaśyāmalā at Anāhata
- Kādi Vidyā (Suddha) at Anāhata
- Vārāhī at Ājñā
- Svapna Vārāhī at Ājñā
- Tiraskariṇī at Ājñā
- Śrī Pādukā at Ājñā
- Vārtālī at Ājñā
- Kādi Pūrti at Brahmarandhra
- Rājarājeśvarī at Brahmarandhra
- Para Ṣoḍaśi at Brahmarandhra
- Mahā Guru Pādukā at Brahmarandhra
There are definite places in the body corresponding to each of these mantras. The places and the moods which go with them are indicated below.
Mūlādhāra. This is the procreative centre of the female, the external genitals called the vulva and the internal genitals called the womb. The mood is ecstasy of coitus.
Svādhiṣṭhāna. This is the erect nether virile of the male, emitting seed. The mood is orgasmic bliss, relaxing from the tension.
Maṇipūra. This is the navel centre. The mood is anger, flames.
Anāhata. This is the heart centre. The mood is participation in song, dance, gay abandon, floating away in air.
Viśuddhi. This is the neck centre. The mood is space like calmness.
Ājñā. This is the centre between the eyebrows. The mood is detachment, vairagya, and control of all desires, by just being a passive witness to them.
Brahmarandhra, or Sahasrāra. The womb of Brahman, supra-mental union with the divine Śakti, where bindu tarpaṇam happens in the secrecy of oneself. The experience is that of being Ardhanārīśvara, of unending orgasmic bliss called Brahmānanda, of the peace that passeth understanding.
Source: Śrī Amṛtānandanātha Saraswatī "Sudhā Syandinī Bhāṣyaṃ" Typed Manuscript
(an incomplete commentary on Lalitā Sahasranāma)