I found this triangular formation of a triangular cut in the rock that resembled Kāmākhyā, the Yoni Pīṭh. "I thought this was a good place to start, begin with" and I was looking for a confirmation.
After 4th day or 5th day I was deep in meditation and I found jingling bells of a girl's anklets moving. A huge ball of light was there that condensed into an iridescent form of the Goddess' surface. And the surface was like, you know in the Śrī Sūktam there is, "hiraṇyavarṇāṃ hariṇīṃ suvarṇa rajata srajām” – like thin threads of gold and silver – suvarṇa rajata srajām. It was made out of electric shocks that were going around, it was that form. It was a fabric, and I later connected it with the fabric of the cosmos. She looked like a 16 year old girl. She was filled with the ornaments. She wore like a bridal attire. She said "Will you do pūjā to me?” I said: "What higher fortune can I have than doing pūjā to you?"
Then She did something very unexpected. She bowed down to my feet, and I was surprised. "You're going to be a Guru, and your people are going to bow down at your feet. I am in all the people." This is the significance of that. She stared into the sky and the clouds formed around us, and then there was rain. And in the rain we walked. She took my hand and walked to the place where… "This is the place where you have to set up the Meru temple for me, I am the Mother and this is going to be the child. I am the mother Kāmākhyā and this is the child. It will have Rājarājeśvarī Lalitā Mahā Tripurasundarī at its center. It will be in the form of a Meru with all the Khaḍgamālā deities installed in their places, and everything should receive pūjā every day."
Then She took me back and I completed a pūjā and She vanished back into the rocks.