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A meeting point and a melting pot of ideas, sharing thoughts and respecting different viewpoints - this is the Amritananda Śrī Vidyā Online Forum.
Śrī Vidyā is the practice of worshipping the Divine Mother Lalitā, who represents the eternal union of the cosmic pair Śiva and Śakti. She is one among the famous 10 wisdom goddesses who lead us to the final goal of moksha or total identity with the supreme reality.
The worship and practices of Śrī Vidyā have been largely held secret and restricted to a select few. Knowledge needs to be accessible to anyone desirous of learning. It is imperative that the experiences of the practitioners of our great traditions are brought into the open and preserved.
In Guruji Śrī Śrī Amṛtānandanatha Saraswatī words,
“The wise must choose to speak; otherwise, the unwise shall have their way”.
In this age of technology, a flood of information is available at our fingertips. However, navigating through this ocean and filtering the authentic, relevant wisdom can be a daunting task. Many upasakas practicing Śrī Vidyā, each with their own individual variations-and yet the overriding philosophy remains the same.
This Forum envisions bringing together worshippers of the Divine Mother and engaging in meaningful dialogue to further the knowledge and practice of Śrī Vidyā. With the blessings of Sahasrākṣī Devī, Guruji Amṛtānanda and Annapūrṇā Amma, disciples and volunteers from across the World are collaborating and contributing to make this forum a place to learn, share and transform.
In the below audio Guruji explains that the true meaning of Devipuram is not tied to a physical place…
Devipuram doesn't mean just a place. It's a living concept. So where's Devipuram? Devipuram is where Devi lives. And Devi is an Awareness/Consciousness, which lives in everybody. Everybody has to become a Devipuram. Only then the temple is complete.
The beauty and aesthetics of the path of Śrī Vidyā should resonate within every heart – this is the grand vision. Laypersons, devotees, philosophers, spiritual masters, and scholars – all are invited to bring in their unique form and flavor. Share experiences, ask questions, learn and evolve, making this a vibrant community of spiritual seekers.
Śrī Vidyā is very closely allied with the philosophies of Advaita Vedanta, Upanishads, Samkhya, Nyaya, Kashmir Shaivism, Buddhism, and Jainism, among others.
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Come!! Let us all revel in broadening our vision, enjoying different perspectives, and finding the common thread of love that binds us to one another and to the Divine Mother.
Śrī Gurubhyo Namaḥ