Śrī Matre Namaḥ
Śrī Gurubhyo Namaḥ
Welcome to Devipuram and Śrī Meru Nilayam abode of Devi Sahasrakṣī. Namaskarams to Guruji and Amma. I am ever grateful to them for introducing Lalitā Upāsana to me. The unique feature of this temple is along with offering prayers the knowledge of Śrī Vidyā is imparted and spread to the devotees. On this special occasion let us offer our reverence and gratitude to Guruji and Amma for their noble vision.
Lalitā Sahasranāmam and Khaḍgamālā are very important stotras in Devi worship. Lalitā Sahasranāmam is a revealed knowledge to eight Vaśini Vāgdevatās by Lalitā. It brings out various aspects of Lalitā mantra, Yantra that Śrī Cakram, and Tantra. It is the essence of all the Vedas and 7 million mantras and all the Śastras. Lalitā is Jagatjananī, Viśvamātā. She is the Mother of all Universe, full of compassion for Her creation. Surrendering to Her with devotion She gives wisdom as Sarasvatī, wealth as Lakṣmī, protection as Durgā, happiness as Gauri, self realisation as Lalitā. Thus, She bestows the sādhakas with both materialistic and spiritual progress.
She is called puruṣārthapradāyinī, bhuktimuktipradāyinī. Lalitā Sahasranāmam is a confluence of Bhakti - devotion, Jñānā - knowledge and Tapas - yoga. Lalitā Sahasranāmam leads us to Antarmukha Sadhana i.e seeing the divine power within ourselves. This makes one our lives very efficient, meaningful and harmonious. The temple in the form of Śrī Chakra brings out the identification of an individual with Devi, which is our ultimate goal. Lalitā is Ādi Parāśakti the primordial energy. She is within us as life energy. Her grace is needed in all the fields for all of us. Thus, Lalitopāsana is a process of remembering Her and feeling her presence every minute within us. Let us all pray to Her for guidance and protection.
Śrī Matre Namaḥ
Sundari Amma