Navāvaraṇa Pūjā sung in 9 ragas recorded by Jayalakshmi Amma in 1979 at Guruji's request
Introduction by Jayalakshmi Amma
Śrī Matre Namaḥ Śrī Gurubhyo Namaḥ
Namaskarams to everyone!
I am extremely delighted and humbled that my Navavarnam recording is being uploaded in the Devipuram Sri Vidhya Forum. This song is very special to me as it holds a lot of memories. This recording was under wraps over the past 40 years... and it is seeing its daylight only due to the love of Devipuram. Smt. Asha Atmaram has been the main force in bringing it out. It would not have been possible without her. Special thanks to Mr. Max for uploading it.
I have been asked to narrate and explain about the events that led to this recording and also share my experience of setting tune to the Navavarnam and recording of the same. The how, where , when and what.
I have tried to not make it long ...but memories are overflowing please excuse the ramblings of this old lady!!
My meeting with Guruji and my initiation into Shodashi Upadesha began, not in India but in the small quiet capital city of Zambia - Lusaka. This was during 1979-80.
Dr. Prahlad Shastriji, a professor in the University of Zambia, was a casual acquaintance. We had met him during one of the pooja satsangs. Never did I imagine or expect then, that this young family man with peaceful serene eyes would become my Guru and lead me to the path of Sadhana.
Jayalakshmi Amma with her husband Thiagarajan and daughters (August 5th, 1979 in Lusaka)
Shastriji was popular for his Parayana of Lalitha Sahasranamam and Sri Chakra pooja and had initiated many people into Sri Vidya. During one such casual meeting, Guruji enquired about my knowledge of mantras. I replied that I had been initiated into 'Bala Mantra' at the age of nine by Guru Devidasa, and was introduced to Devi pooja by my mother, Balambal, a Devi upasaka.
He asked me to recite the mantra, which I did. Immediately after, on a Poornima day, Guruji initiated me and my husband into Shodashi (Laghu) with 15 other mantras. Guruji personally wrote out these mantras along with few diagrams and presented it to us. Thus began my journey into the world of Sri Vidya. Guruji did not stop at that. In 1982, when he was visiting us in Chennai, all of a sudden he initiated me into the Maha Shodashi Mantra. I am truly blessed to have such a unique and humbling experience of the Guru coming towards the Shishya for giving Upadesha!
In 1979, Guruji came to my house, one day, with his Sri Vidya book. He handed it to me and told me to set tune for the Navavarna. I was thrilled, elated and yet surprised by his choice. “Me! Guruji?“, I said. I hold an M.A. in Tamil Literature and am not a Sanskrit Student! I was doubtful about my pronunciation and whether I could undertake such a mammoth task. Guruji simply said ‘‘Yes, I am giving you the task, as you are a Vidwan in Music! I know you can do it. Start first, it will automatically come to you!’’
The book that Guruji gave to Jayalakshmi Amma in 1979.
He had chosen nine Ragas, one for each Avarnam. After going through the Raga list with him, I mentioned that I did not feel comfortable and confident with three ragas from his list and asked if he would be fine with me changing them. He agreed. So we kept the Nattai, Kamavardhini, Vasantha, Kalyani, Anandabhairavi and Sree Ragas and changed Kathanakuthuhalam to Bilahari, Kamalamanohari to Dhanyasi and Devamrithavarshini to Amruthavarshini. With His Blessings, began my tryst with the Navavarnam.
I knew this was not easy, but when I opened the Sri Vidya book, I was overwhelmed by the complexity involved. This was such a Herculean task and it set me thinking why Guruji had chosen me over so many talented musicians, composers and artists! Simultaneously, I also wondered about the immense confidence that Guruji had in me! And it was His belief and confidence that gave me the faith and courage to continue with the task and I started the project on Nov 12, 1979. Every day, I prayed to Devi to help me live up to Guruji’s expectations and I totally surrendered myself to Her.
According to our traditions, I began with Guru Salutation and invocation prayer to Lord Ganapati set to Hamsadhwani Raga. Then I began setting tune to the Prathama Avarana in Nattai Raga. After setting the tune for each Avarna, I would sing it to Guruji for corrections in pronunciations, lyrical mistakes, feedback and suggestions. We would go through many such iterations and finally, with his able guidance and the Grace of the Divine, I was able to complete the task. It took almost three months to set music to all the nine Avarnas, with notation for each line.
Recording was a different game altogether. Technology was not as advanced and we did not have easy access to gadgets. For a first, I did not own a tanpura, the Sruti Box (a wooden device) overpowered my voice. So, I borrowed a tanpura and recorded the sruti for half-hour intervals in a cassette. I tried to do some rudimentary music stitching, using two record players to get a continuous 90-minute sruti recording. This served as my background music. Cassettes then were only for 60-90 minute durations. I had to use two players, one to play the tanpura sruti and the other to record my singing in tandem with the sruti. Recording using cassettes was tedious and it took hours for takes and retakes.
A mother to four active kids, the youngest being a year old, the house was always full of noise, chatter, chaos and endless chores. Finding that quiet silent time to record was daunting. I used to record late at night when the house was quiet and asleep.
By the Grace of Devi and Guruji's blessings, I was able to finish recording the entire Navavarnam and Guruji was able to listen to it as well. I was unable to make a copy of the recording and give it to him. I still carry that guilt with me!!
This recording has been under cover for the past 40 years. The Maha Kumbhabhishekam of Devipuram in 2019 enabled it to see the day of light.
Jayalakshmi Amma with her husband Thiagarajan and Guru Amma (2019)
I am extremely happy that Guruji’s wish of hearing the Navavarnam is coming true on his Birthday! This is only due to his blessings and the Grace of Devi. I am truly blessed and indebted to all at Devipuram for making Guruji’s dream come true.
Jayalakshmi Thiagarajan