The following 108 Names were revealed by Devi Herself to Haran Aiya. The audio below contains chanting of Haran Aiya along with the Rochester congregation. The translation of individual names was attempted for the benefit of the devotees.
This Aṣṭottaram has been previously published in the "Adoration of the Guru: A Compilation"
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Ṛṣi Nyāsa
asya śrī amṛtānanda aṣṭottara śatanāma stotra mahāmantrasya
caitanyāmṛta ṣoḍaśa nitya ṛṣaye namaḥ śirasi
devī gāyatrī chandase namaḥ mukhe
śrī annapūrṇambā sameta amṛtānanda
parābhaṭṭarikā devatāya namaḥ hṛdaye
śrīmat vāgbhava kūṭeti bījam
śakti kūṭeti śaktiḥ
kāmarāja kūṭeti kīlakam
aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ śrī amṛtānandanātha paripūrṇa
kaṭākṣa siddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ
Kara Nyāsa
aiṁ anguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ
klīṁ tarjanībhyām namaḥ
sauḥ madhyamābhyām namaḥ
aiṁ anāmikābhyām namaḥ
klīṁ kaniṣṭhikābhyām namaḥ
sauḥ karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyām namaḥ
Aṅga Nyāsa
aiṁ hṛdayāya namaḥ
klīṁ śirase svāhā
sauḥ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ
aiṁ kavacāya huṁ
klīṁ netratrayāya vauṣaṭ
sauḥ astrāya phaṭ
bhūḥ bhuvaḥ suvaḥ oṁ iti digbandhaḥ
mantrākṣaramayīṁ candraśekhara dayāla guṇasvarūpiṇīm
bīja pūrṇa ṣoḍaśa nityāmṛta nartanīm ।
sarva janasammohinīṁ sakala vidyālaṅkāriṇīm
sahajānanda śāmbhavīṁ śaṅkara guru mūrtinīm ॥
ekāgra cidvilāsinīṁ dakṣiṇāmūrti svarūpiṇīm
sarva sammohana sukha vācaka pradāyinīm ।
bhagavatīṁ avyāja karuṇā kaṭākṣīm
pūrṇa bīja rūpa ṣoḍaśanivāsinīṁ annapūrṇāmṛteśvarīm ॥
“4” = oṁ aiṁ hrīṁ śrīṁ
1. "4" karuṇā kaṭākṣa śiva mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is of the Form of Śiva, With Compassion Flowing
Through his Every Glance
2. "4" gāna rasika kāmeśvara sundareśvarāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Lord of Beauty and Desire, Who Delights in Music
3. "4" mantra svarapūrita paṅkajāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is a Lotus, Resonating With the Sound of Mantras
4. "4" sahasrāre lalitānubhavāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Experience of Lalitā in the Sahasrāra Chakra
5. "4" bindu bhedana śivānanda muni śreṣṭhāya namaḥ
Salutations to the First Amongst Sages, the Auspicious (Śiva) Bliss, Experienced as a Result of the Piercing of the Bindu at the Crown of the Head
6. "4" śrī devīpura śivamandira sthāpakāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Has Established a Śiva Temple at Devipuram
7. "4" nitya svarūpānanda jīvita kaivalyāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Liberated Sage Who Is Perpetually Abiding in the Bliss of his Own Self
8. "4" nirvikalpānanda sāgara haṁsāya namaḥ
Salutations to That Liberated Soul Who Is Abiding in the Ocean of the Highest Bliss
9. "4" śiṣya lakṣaṇa śrīguru mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Form of the Guru With the Characteristics of an Ideal Disciple
10. "4" ājñā kamale nitya nṛtta amṛtānandāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Bliss of Immortality, Eternally Dancing in the Lotus of the Ājñā Chakra
11. "4" dṛstimatre sahajānanda varadāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who by a Mere Glance Bestows the Boon of Natural Bliss
12. "4" śrī vidyā paripūrṇa śobhitāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Radiant Due to Being Completely Filled With the Esoteric Knowledge of Śrī Vidyā
13. "4" bharatakhaṇḍe meru mantra kartāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Built the the Meru Temple in India
14. "4" sālmalīdvīpe vidyāpīṭha sthāpakāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Established a Center of Śrī Vidyā Learning in Africa
15. "4" avadhūta svaprākāśa vatsalāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Spiritual Child of the Avadhūta Swami Svaprākāśānanda
16. "4" avadhūta guru maṇḍala lakṣaṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Embodies the Divine Qualities of the Lineage of Avadhūta Gurus
17. "4" śrī annapūrṇā manaḥ madhurāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Nectar in Annapūrṇā Amba's Heart
18. "4" śrī prahalāda pūrvāśrama nāmāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who’s Name Was Prahalāda Before Receiving Purṇa Dikśa
19. "4" vijñāna vidyā pariśodhaka dhāraṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Worked in the Field of Science
20. "4" navāvaraṇa mahāyajña haṁsāya namaḥ
Salutations to That Liberated Soul Who Performed the Great Navāvaraṇa Yajña
21. "4" haṁsa mantrārtha munisevyāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Served by the Great Seers of the Haṁsa Mantra
22. "4" sahasrāre pādukākṣara koṭisūryāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Shines as a Million Suns in the Crown of the
Disciple’s Sahasrāra Chakra in the Form of the Guru Pāduka Syllables
23. "4" akhilāṇḍa koṭi caitanya vyāpinyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Pervades the Myriad of Universes as Pure Consciousness
24. "4" bhaktābhīṣṭa bhoga mokṣa pravartinyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Grants Worldly Enjoyment and Liberation to his Devotees
25. "4" cakrarāje hlādinyambā svarūpinyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Manifests as Hlādini Ambā, in the Śrī Cakra
26. "4" śāradā tilaka vidyā mantra mālāyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Garland of Mantras Emanating From Saraswati’s Tilaka
27. "4" nitya ṣoḍaśakalā varṇa rūpāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Form of the Syllables of the Śoḍaśi Mantra
28. "4" nityotsava merumantra gṛhavāsāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Abides in the Meru Temple at Devipuram, Where Daily Worship Is Performed
29. "4" tantraśāstra vyākhyāna utpannāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Taught the Tantra Science
30. "4" caitanyānanda manomantra cakreśvaryai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Empress of the Chakra, Dwelling in the Temple of Caitanyānanda’s [Haran Aiya] Heart
31. "4" śiṣyakoṭi bhaktavatsala puruṣārthāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Bestows his Devotees With the Four Aims of Life.
32. "4" aṇuśakti vijñāna śāstra utpannāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is an Authority on the Science of Nuclear Physics
33. "4" kāmākhyā pīṭhe mantrālaya vaibhavāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Glorious Abode of Mantras in the Kāmakhya Pīṭham
34. "4" bhaktajana saubhāgya mahā saṅkalpāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Whose Greatest Desire Is the Well-Being of his Devotees
35. "4" śrī sudhālakṣmī sampūrṇa anugrahāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Has Received the Complete Grace of Sudhā Lakṣmī
36. "4" śukravāre śrī pīṭhe prasannāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Manifests Wherever Worship of the Divine Mother Is Performed on Fridays
37. "4" śiva śaktyaikya vidyārṇava kāraṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Causes a Flood of Knowledge of the Oneness of Śiva-Śakti
38. "4" śrī sudhā anubhavapūrva saṅkalpāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Had the Experience of Sudhā Lakṣmī Prior to the Existence of Saṅkalpa
39. "4" mantrarūpa sudhā saṅkalpa sthiti kartāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Preserved the Saṅkalpa of the Goddess Sudha in the Form of Mantras
40. "4" śrī kāmeśvara kāmeśvarī aikya vidyā ṛṣaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Seer of the Knowledge of the Oneness of
Kāmeśvara and Kāmeśvarī
41. "4" śrī kāmeśvara svarūpa pratyakṣa ācāryāya namaḥ
Salutations to That Teacher, Who Is the Actual Form of Śrī Kāmeśvara Himself
42. "4" śrī śaṅkara rūpa guruprakāśa śrī mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Embodiment of the Shining Form of Śrī Śaṅkara
43. "4" iṣṭa mātre śāradāmbikā prasannāya namaḥ
Glory to the One Who Receives Blessings of Mother Sarasvatī by his Mere Wish
44. "4" śrī śāradāmba paripūrṇa vidyālaṅkārāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Ornament of the Complete Knowledge of Sarasvatī
45. "4" kacchapī nādāmṛta layasthitāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Resides Dissolved in the Nectar of the Divine Music Emanating From Sarasvatī’s Veena
46. "4" mandasmita mukhāmboja karuṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Compassionate One, Who Has a Soft Smile Playing on his Lotus Like Face
47. "4" bālye śrī kṛṣṇāvatāra vṛkṣadarśanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who in his Childhood Was Blessed With the Divine Vision of Kṛṣṇā Sitting Up in a Tree [Playing a Flute]
48. "4" karpūravīṭikāmoda priyāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Fond of Tambulam Perfumed With Camphor
49. "4" turīyātītāvasthā vivarjitāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Has Gone Beyond Even the Highest State of Awareness
50. "4" śānta svarūpa śrī mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Whose Auspicious Form Is the Embodiment of Peace
51. "4" sulabha vācaka advaitāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Effortlessly Expounds the Principles of Non-Duality
52. "4" layajñānāmṛta sāgarāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is an Ocean of the Nectar of Knowledge of Dissolution
53. "4" amṛtānanda amṛta svarūpiṇe namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Very Essence of the Bliss of Divine Nectar
54. "4" naimiṣāraṇya ṛṣirūpa guru svāmine namaḥ
Salutations to the Foremost of the Great Rishis Performing Austerities in the Naimiṣa Forest
55. "4" digambaradeśika bhaktavatsalāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Loves the Devotees of Dattātreya
56. "4" śrī gāyatrī hṛdaya aruṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Rising Sun in the Heart of Śrī Gāyatrī
57. "4" anādyanta svayaṁprakāśa vimarśanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Reflection of the Self-Effulgence of That Which Has no Beginning or End
58. "4" viśuddhi cakre ṣoḍaśa nitya śobhitāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Splendor of the 16 Nitya Kalās in the Viśuddhi Chakra
59. "4" anāhata mantre prema caitanyāmṛtāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Flows as Pure Love Consciousness in the Anāhata Chakra
60. "4" maṇīpūrake rakta varṇa śrī mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Appears in the Blood Red Form in the Maṇīpūra Chakra
61. "4" svādhiṣṭhāne śrī sudhāmṛta dhāriṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Preserves the Nectar of Love in the Svādhiṣṭhāna Chakra
62. "4" mūlādhāre gajavadana sugandhāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Fragrance of Gaṇapati in the Mūlādhāra Chakra
63. "4" bhrū madhye kalyāṇa sundara prakāśāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Light of Lord Śiva at the Eyebrow Center
64. "4" ardhacandre sakala kalā prakāśāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Light of All the Rays Emanating From the Ardha Candra Center
65. "4" rodhinī pīṭhe jyotirliṅga śiva śaktyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is in the Form of Śiva-Śakti Jyotirliṅga at the Rodhinī Center
66. "4" vyāpika nilaye sarva rāga pravīṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Fulfilling all Desires in the Vyāpika Center
67. "4" unmaninilaye niśabda śrī svarāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Divine Sound of the Silence in the Unmani Center
68. "4" samānālaye siddha caitanyānubhavāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Experience of the Pure Consciousness in the Samāna Center
69. "4" śakti pīṭhe śrī śāradā tilakojvalāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Shines Like the Tilaka of Sarasvatī in the Śakti Center
70. "4" śāmbhavī mudrābhilāṣa nitya vāsāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Eternally Dwells in the Śāmbhavī Mudrā
71. "4" sahasrāre meru pradakṣiṇa haṁsāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Liberated One, Who Circumambulates the Peak of the Sahasrāra Chakra
72. "4" uttarāmnāye jagat sṛṣṭi mahāyonyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Great Womb of the Universe at the Northern Gate of the Śrī Cakra
73. "4" anuttarāmnāye sakalāvasthā paripālakāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Source of Protection to all Living Beings at the
Southern Gate of the Śrī Cakra
74. "4" ūrdhvāmnāye sakala jīva mātṛdevyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Mother of all Beings at the Western Gate of the Śrī Cakra
75. "4" pūrvāmnāye pūrvakarma vināśanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Destroyer of all Past Karmas at the
Eastern Gate of the Śrī Cakra
76. "4" samasta cakra bhaktābhīṣṭa varadāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Grants Desired Boons of the Devotees in All the Chakras
77. "4" prakaṭāvaraṇe kalāvidyā samanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Assembly of the 16 Moon Rays in the 1st Āvaraṇa
78. "4" gupta nilaye aṣṭaiśvarya kalpatarave namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Wish-Fulfilling Tree of 8 Signs of Prosperity in the 2nd Āvaraṇa
79. "4" guptatara caturdaśa lokajñāna ādityāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Sun of Knowledge Covering all of the 14 Worlds in the 3rd Āvaraṇa
80. "4" sampradāya guru paramparā pūjitāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Worshipped as the Lineage of Gurus in the 4th Āvaraṇa
81. "4" kulottīrṇāvaraṇa śaktiloka vyāpikāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Pervades the Abode of Śakti in the 5th Āvaraṇa
82. "4" nigarbhakoṇa antarmukha ātmānandāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Bliss of the Self, Who Is Ever Absorbed in Meditation
in the 6th Āvaraṇa
83. "4" rahasyārtha sahasra mantrārtha lakṣyāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Essence of the 1,000 Names of Lalita in the 7th Āvaraṇa
84. "4" ati rahasya śrīvidyācāra bodhakāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Body of Secret Knowledge of Śrī Vidyā Rituals in the 8th Āvaraṇa
85. "4" parāparāti rahasya nilaya niścintāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Without Thought in the Supreme Secret Abode of the
9th Āvaraṇa
86. "4" navāvaraṇa mahāyajña pauruṣāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Power of the Great Navāvaraṇa Yajña
87. "4" saptaṛṣi tārakamaṇḍala tilakāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Main Jewel in the Constellation of the 7 Great Rishis
88. "4" kalikāle vīra kāraṇa udbhavāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Has Established Vīra Rituals Befitting the Nature of Kali Yuga
89. "4" śaṅkhacakra hari nitya varadāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is Eternally Blessed by the Conch and Discus Wielding Viṣṇu
90. "4" caturveda mahāvākya anugrahāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Blesses Devotees With the Essence of the Four Vedas.
91. "4" phala puruṣārtha śiṣyakoṭi vigrahāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Bestows the Fruits of Puruṣārtha to his Devotees
92. "4" saptaśati sudhāhuti tatparāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Blissful Offerings Made in the Caṇḍi Homa
93. "4" śrī devī mahāyajña maṇḍaleśvarāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Most Honored Luminary of the Congregation of the Śrī Devī Worship
94. "4" ādikāla yajuryajña jñānadṛṣṭyai namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Had the Divine Vision of the Yajña at the Site of the Kāmakhya in Devipuram, Conducted in the Distant Past
95. "4" śrī devipura svayampīṭha sthāpakāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Has Established Devipuram as his Own Pīṭham
96. "4" devī pīṭhe caturliṅga sthāpanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Has Established Four Liṅgams at Devipuram
97. "4" kāmapīṭhe bhaktajana annaprasannāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Delights in Providing Prasad to the Devotes at Kamakhya Pīṭham
98. "4" śrī lakṣmī narasimha prakāśa pautrāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Descendent of the Light of Narasimha and Lakṣmī
99. "4" medhānāḍī cidvyāpaka yauvanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Youthful One, Whose Medhā Nāḍī Is Pervaded With Consciousness
100. "4" sapta varṣe śrī rāmacandra darśanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Was Blessed With the Vision of Lord Rāmacandra
at the Age of Seven
101. "4" vāgmātre brahmagranthi bhedanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Can Pierce the Brahmagranthi by a Mere Word
102. "4" dhvanimātre viṣṇugranthi bhedanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Can Pierce the Viṣṇugranthi by a Mere Sound
103. "4" icchāmātre rudragranthi śamanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Can Destroy the Rudragranthi by his Mere Will
104. "4" śāradā varada veda vṛṣabha darśanāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Was Blessed by Saraswati To Receive Darśan of Nandi
105. "4" śāradā māse parā gāyatrī upadeśāya namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Gave Teachings on the Parā Gāyatrī During the Śāradā Month
106. "4" dakṣiṇāmūrti amśa maunamunaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is an Incarnation of Dakṣiṇāmūrti, the Silent Sage
107. "4" anādyanta īśa mahā brahmeśāya namaḥ
Salutations to the Lord, Without Beginning or End, Who Is the Ruler of Even the Great Brahmā
108. "4" paripūrṇa amṛtānanda gurumūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to the One, Who Is the Complete and True Guru,
the Bestower of the Nectar of Bliss
hariḥ oṁ । śrī gurubhyo namaḥ । hariḥ oṁ