Guruji and GuruAmma in front of Devipuram

The Importance of Sanskrit Alphabet:

Sanskrit alphabet is considered to be of Divine nature. It is eternal and indestructible. Comprised of the 51 letters (a to kṣa), called akṣaramālā (the Garland of Letters), it encompasses all aspects of creation sustenance and dissolution.

The 16 vowels and 35 consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet are reflected in our body as the seats of various cosmic powers and reside in the lotus petals of the 6 chakras.

Invocation of Seats of Cosmic Powers

These seats of cosmic powers are activated and invoked during the chanting of each one of the letters with a concentration on their position in the body. Furthermore, this process of invocation can also be combined with a particular mantra.

Ṣaṭcakra Japa

Mantra japa (chanting) is normally done for a minimum of 108 counts and multiples thereafter. This is known as one mala. Using a rosary, which contains 108 beads, is one way to complete one mala, another way is by utilizing a technique called ṣaṭcakra japa.

This method involves mapping of the Sanskrit letters on the petals of the six cakras while adding a prefix and suffix of the letter to the mantra. In other words, the mantra itself is sandwiched or [bracketed] between 2 letters.

An example of this would be: aṁ [śrī matre namaḥ] aṁ

This way of chanting increases the power and effectiveness of that mantra many times over. The power of this practice comes from:

  1. remembering the letter and its location on the body,

  2. seeing the color of the cakra petal,

  3. hearing the sound of the letter,

  4. remembering to put the letter before and after the mantra


Chakras and the Alphabet

Introduction to the Chakras by Guruji

Human Chakras: a 4 Part explanation by Guruji

7 days later

Ṣaṭcakra Japa and the Churning of the Milky Ocean

It is interesting to observe that the practice of Ṣaṭcakra Japa can be likened to the well-known story about the churning of the milk ocean. The practice involves three rounds of recitation: first-round - going anticlockwise, the second round - clockwise, and finally up the center. The process itself helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the chakras and finally raise the practitioner’s Kuṇḍalinī.

The following text was taken from sahapedia:

The churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan in Sanskrit) is perhaps one of the best-known episodes in Indian mythology, appearing in several texts such as the Mahabharata, Vishnu Purana and Bhagavata Purana.

Using Mount Meru as the rod and Vasuki—the king of snakes who adorns the neck of Shiva—as the rope, the Devas and the Asuras churned the milky ocean. Since the Asuras were holding Vasuki’s head, they had to deal with his poisonous fumes. To stop Mount Meru from sinking, Vishnu took the form of a tortoise and supported the base of the mountain. The description in the myth says that Vasuki wrapped himself around the mountain three-and-a-half times, pressing the mountain at seven critical points. Many interpretations of the myth see this as an analogy of the seven chakras of the human body mentioned in yogic literature and of a snake (kundalini energy) binding them. The myth of churning the ocean corresponds to a yogi practising his art (including meditation) to stir his vast ocean-like unconscious in order to find the nectar (soma) in his mind and merge with eternity.

21 days later

i have a question. i learnt the alphabets and am able to put each letter before and after. and i can generally imagine the letter in the general area of the body.(example sham shhham sam lam in muladhara) while saying it, but my visualisation is not good enough to visualise specific letters or petals or colors. does that mean this technique would not give my mantra chanting multiple times effectiveness than a normal chanting i do ? my normal japa starts with pranayama and sankalpa of the mantra , then nyasas..


    It's important to note that this technique "increases the power and effectiveness of the mantra" and it doesn't mean that it would not bear any fruits for you. The more practice you do the better you will get with visualizatoin and the more benefit you will receive.

    An average athlete can't become an olympian in a day, it takes patience, hard work, and dedication to the practice.

    9 days later

    Has this interpretation been documented by Gurujis speeches?

      6 days later


      Yes. Did Guru Amritananda make this analogy regarding the churning of the ocean, and the movement of consciousness up and down the nadis, awakening the kundalini shakti?


        I heard it from his close disciple. Most of the practices in Sri Vidya are connected to awakening and raising Kundalini.

        a month later

        Hi.. is there a video to explain how to do SatChakra Japam?



          Ṣaṭcakra Japam technique is being taught in the Devipuram Online course. In a nutshell, it's a method according to which you recite your chosen mantra by adding the Sanskrit letters before and after it and going backwards and forwards through the entire alphabet.

          The below video explains this technique.

            8 days later

            Can I get colour picture of the chakras with all the petals?. I know from which beej to start and at which beej to end for each chakra. But I want to be sure about the positioning of the chakras which will help in my accurate visualization. For example for Vishuddhi we start with Aham. But where this Aham petal is situated ? Towards the front of the body or back or left or right ? A picture with accurately implied direction will help me. Please anybody provide me an image file.

              Hi.. can someone please help with pdf for each chakra beej thanks

                Deepakahu   Prasad 

                Please see the first post.

                I updated it with links to Guruji's lecture on chakras and also to the post on chakras and their corresponding bījas.

                Sree Matre Namah!!

                Thanks a lot this is very helpful ..

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