Śrī Matre Namaḥ,
Very interesting topics and Guruji explained the relationship between language and the body consciousness and language as a software superimposed on the body consciousness so well! I think it is worth mentioning an example to expand this idea for those interested, an example given by Terence McKenna, the psychedelic guru and a philosopher, paraphrased below.
"Imagine a toddler in a crib playing and all of a sudden a bird comes to the window and the toddler looks at the bird with a lot of curiosity like it is a magical being with its wings and its bright colours. And then the toddler's mother comes in to the room and as the bird flies away she would say 'It is a bird, a bird' to the toddler. The entire experience of seeing something magical was reduced to a word."
Source below:
Śrī Gurubhyo Namaḥ